Free's Fairy Cookies

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Free Underbar, a member of Dorothea, was holding onto a tray of freshly baked cookies. He was excited to give them to Marlya, his fellow Dorothea member and dear friend. His rare smile was an example of his happiness. As he walked into one of the rooms of Dorothea, he saw Klara, Serge, Lily, Robert, Eleanor, and Commander Nein Auler waiting around. Serge asked, "Hey, Free. What do you have there?" Free said, "Oh, I just baked some cookies to give to Marlya. I mean, I owe her a lot since she's saved my life a few times, you know." Serge grinned, "Oooh. A little sweet gift to get a sweetheart. Who would have guessed that you were such a ladies' man, Free? But, we all knew that you had a huge crush on Marlya since the very beginning, so it's no real surprise." Free blushed a deep red, "What? I...I..I do not have a crush on Marlya! Shut up Serge. Just tell me if any of you know where Marlya is." Klara said, "She'll be joining us shortly. She said that she just had  to feed Chima and that she would come here afterwards." Free let out a sigh, "Well, that's good to hear. I'll just wait here then." He set the tray of cookies on the center table as he pulled up a chair and sat down with the rest of his teammates. Robert asked, "So, are you going to give her all of those cookies?" Free frowned, "Well, I guess that I don't have to give her all the cookies. You guys can have a cookie each." Serge grabbed one cookie, "Okay, thanks Free." Lily said, "I guess it would be a bit cruel not to at least take one." Robert said, "Thanks a lot Free." Soon, everyone had gotten a cookie, even Commander Auler. They each took one bite of the cookies before they started gagging. Serge spit out the piece that he had eaten,"(Blegh) Free, what they hell did you do to those cookies?" Klara said, "What the hell did cookies do to you to deserve this sort of treatment?" Eleanor said, "Those things should be registered as weapons against humanity." Auler said, "Underbar! If we had these cookies during the war, we would have won without the need for Fairy Soldiers." Free frowned, "What? Are they really that bad?!" Robert said, "They are definitely not fit for human consumption. I doubt that even fairies could manage to eat this crap." Free sighed, "Oh crap. I made really bad cookies. I can't give these to Marlya. She'll think that I was trying to kill her or something. I'll just throw them away." Just as he said that, Marlya walked into the room with Chima at her heels.  Marlya looked at everyone, "Hey, what's going on in here?" Free jumped out of his seat and grabbed the tray of remaining cookies to hide it, "Oh, nothing. We were all just having a good time talking to each other. Nothing suspicious or romantic happening here." Lily said, "He made some cookies." Eleanor said, "They taste horrible. Even Commander Auler said that they were dangerous." free looked at his teammates with horror in his face, mentally screaming, 'What the fucking hell!??!?!' Marlya walked around Free and saw the cookies. She looked up at him and said, "You know, if you want, I can teach you how to bake. I learned how to bake loads of sweets when I was younger." Free blushed and buried his face in one of his hands.

The Dorothea members were working in the kitchen. Even Commander Auler had agreed to help. Marlya was teaching Free how to properly make cookies and the rest of them wanted to help make sure that he didn't mess them up again and make new weapons. Somehow, they ended up being too invested and ended up working to make cookies. As Marlya was putting the new batch of cookies in the oven, she turned to Free, "And all that's left is for us to wait until the timer goes off. After that, the cookies should be ready and we can gorge ourselves on delicious cookies that we all made together." Free stared at her as if though she was a jewel. He walked closer to her and said, "I love you." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Free and Marlya. Marlya was stunned and remained looking at Free. Marlya looked down at the floor, causing Free to look down as well, only to see that  there was nothing there. Marlya looked back up to him and kissed him on the lips. As she released the kiss, she said, "I love you too Free." Free wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again. As they deepening their kiss, Commander Auler cleared her throat. The two of them turned to her with a 

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