First meeting

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'Mhmm' Nayla groaned as she rolled over to stop the beeping of the piercing alarm on her nightstand. As she turned to look at the time she realised it was 6PM. "SHIT I'm late" almost instantly Nayla had flew out of bed and raced into the shower

after ten minutes of cursing and sliding around the bathroom she finally emerged into her room in just her towel. "Oh no where is my blouse!" She looked to her left to see her blouse laying on her mahogany drawer set. After flying her clothes on and throwing her long blonde hair into a messy bun she grabbed her purse and keys and ran out of the door. Thankfully her Jaguar F coupe allowed her to get to work in just shy oh 5 minutes.


today's been pretty slow Nayla thought while absentmindedly drawing circles on the bar. That was until she saw the tall handsome brown haired man walk into the bar, immediately she locked eyes with him making her smile from ear to ear. "He's back thank god I've seen him every night this week and with-ought fail we have locked eyes constantly maybe we will talk to me tonight?" Nayla was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't notice the tall handsome man she had been thinking about standing right in front of her until he cleared his throat. "Oh my god you scared me!!" Nayla said as she jumped at his sudden appearance making him erupt into his famous 'eheheheh' "Sorry love' Tom said with genuine eyes making Nayla blush, "oh umm s s so sorry I didn't see you, what can I get you?" She was trying to hide her obvious nerves and rosy cheeks.

"Well to be honest love I couldn't help but notice you over the past few days and had to come introduce myself, I'm tom by the way" he said holding his hand out for her to shake. "Ehehe I'm Nayla" she took Tom's hand and to her surprise he kissed her knuckle making her swoon inside.

Love at first sight!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora