The Raven Is Free

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Cameron Ann Morgan was gone. No one knew how she died but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she was gone. 

Zachary Goode was sitting at one of the lunch tables at the Gallagher Academy, alone. Well, not really alone. In his arms was their three month old baby boy, Remy. The baby didn't cry and neither did his dad. Zach knew he had to be strong for the Gallagher Girls seated behind him. That didn't stop the single tear rolling down his face as he stared ahead at his love. 

Elizabeth Sutton was buried in the arms of Rebecca Baxter, sobbing uncontrollably. Liz had no idea why her best friend was gone. Bex only knew that making sure Liz was okay was her main mission that day. Beside them was Edward Townsend and Abigail Cameron. Townsend wasn't holding his wife though. He couldn't because Abby was holding Rachel Morgan. Rachel was shaking in her sister's arms. Macey McHenry was sitting next to them, Preston Winters by her side. He had one arm slung around her shoulder. She didn't cry; she didn't make a noise. She just sat there. 

Tina Walters was quiet as she sat next to Eva Alvarez. They were in the middle of a mission when Bex called them, telling them that Cammie was dead. It didn't matter then what they were doing; the only thing that matter was that they had to be there for their sister, their fellow Gallagher Girl. 

Anna Fetterman sat by herself. Tears were going down her frail face as she remembered Cammie the Chameleon. Anna thought that Cammie could never be seen! She thought that Cammie was the best spy around. So how could she die? Anna made a decision that day, one that would change her future forever. If Cammie died, then how was she cut out to be a spy?

Even though Mr. Smith looked different than the first day he met Cammie, he was still the same person. And he was tired of running from his past. Mr. Smith had never felt like this and maybe it was because Cammie was gone. Or maybe he was just tired of his life. 

Dr. Fibbs still couldn't believe Cammie was dead. There was no way one of his best students had messed up and died. Mr. Mosckowitz couldn't get the image of fifteen year old Cammie out of his head. She grew up before his eyes and died so soon. Nothing Madame Dabney taught prepared her for this feeling; the feeling that she could have stopped the inevitable. 

In all of her years as a professor and spy, nothing could have prepared Patricia Buckingham for the feeling of helplessness she felt when she found out Cammie died. She never felt as old as she did then. Professor Buckingham had watched her allies and enemies die but they didn't feel like this. "I can't take this anymore," she muttered, standing up. She staggered out of the door and out of the school. "I can't watch my girls die." Professor Buckingham let out a sob, dropping to the grass outside of the new and improved Gallagher Academy. She promised herself that she wouldn't get attached to any of the girls that came to Gallagher Academy but she couldn't help it. These girls were the future of spies; they were her future and when one of them died, a part of Professor Buckingham died. 

A shadow slipped in the Gallagher Academy unseen just as Macey said, "Women of Gallagher Academy, who comes here?"

"We are the sisters of Gillian," the people there said, some voices cracking. 

Macey's voice was strong. She knew it was another cover but she couldn't help it. "Why do you come?"

"To learn her skills. Honor her sword. And keep her secrets."

"To what do you work?"

"To the cause of justice and light."

"How long will you strive?" Macey asked, her voice cracking slightly. 

"For all the days of our lives." 

The shadow moved to the back of the room and his shoulders shook slightly. But that couldn't be right. 

Because Joe Solomon never cried. 

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