The beggening

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There was a little girl named Natalie, who lived in a small home that was with her thoughtful parents and sibblings. Natalie was a good girl in school, even though she drew drawlings that no kid should draw in there life. She once drew a vilont drawling of someone stabbing another in class, her teacher threw the drawing away and yelled "your times running out!" Later her boyfriend wanted to talk he softly said     "sorry we have to break up you draw these horible things I,I,it's just our time." That day her mom took her counciling. The counciler said "sweetie is your name Natalie". Natalie looked up and nodes her head. "Darling whats your problem" she whispered in a calming voice. She whispered silently "time." "What" the consler spoke. "Time" she said louder. Then they spoke for a while, then her parents came in. Natalie wasn't listening but she heard the consler say "times not working for here." The phrase kept on reporting in her head. "Times not working" "times not working." She liked how it sounded. The next day time didn't help so she looked in the mirror and started stichting the screams from her siblings were dreadful, her parents ran in and called the mental hospital immediately. Natalie woke in a hospital bead with straps along her rist and ancles she tried to get up but the IV that was in her arm hurt to bad. She screamed as the doctor ran in and whispers "you weren't supposed to wake up yet." Then the doctor put a air mask on Natalie and she fell asleep. Then in the middle of the surgery she woke and then screamed. That's all she remembered when the surgery was done. The doctor told Natalie the surgery was mested up and it affected her looks. She glanced in the mirror and smiled she was quite pleased with the mistake. Then the doctor said "Natalie I thought you would" Natalie corrected him "I'm Clock Work." "Your times up" she said creepley. She jumped on the doctor punched him powerfuly, then took the knife that helped her stitch her face with, then killed him. Her parents walked in a she repededly stabed them. Then a tall slender guy with no face dressed for a party or funeral came in took my hand and we left. Then now people get blamed on our kills. Watch out cause we could always be behind you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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