Chapter Eleven

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** Chris - Jerome Boateng **

I grabbed my car keys and purse that lay on my messed up bed before taking one last look in the mirror. A pair of Aqua green shorts and a white chiffon blouse was perfect for my day with Dom, whatever he had planned. I admired my shapely legs in the mirror and whispered to myself, " I got it from my mama"

I took one last look at my poor bed hidden under volumes of clothing and closed the door behind me. Dad was probably in the kitchen, reading those weekly business magazines while aunt Jamila cooked lunch. I had texted Dom to let him know I was just leaving the house.

I decided to play it cool and not arouse any suspicion from my dad. Last thing he needed to do was worry about the new man in my life following my brief affair with Damien. I walked into the kitchen and so casually set my purse down on the table, loud enough to catch his attention. I wanted him to ask not me have to tell him. It made lying to him easier.

"Where are you going on a Sunday afternoon in those shorts?" My dad set down the business magazine and looked right at me. I did not avoid his gaze, instead I said nonchalantly "My fellow executive assistant invited me out for lunch. You know she's the first friend I've made at work"

"You see her from Monday to Friday. You even spent the weekend with her at your retreat" The follow-up question like I anticipated.

"Okay fine, you've caught me. I'm going to see Alexa. Our friendship does not need to suffer because of her brother. She took my side, you know" I say picking up my purse and facing him squarely.

He did not even closely watch me to see if I was lying. He was too distracted by anything or anyone that was merely associated with Damien.

"She is waiting for me, you know. Are you done with the interrogation?" I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and twisted the cap off.

"That still does not explain the shorts" he still demanded an explanation. He left me no choice. I had to play my cheat card.

"I've got my mother's legs if she gets to flaunt, why shouldn't I?" I watched him give aunt Jamila a quick side glance then look back at me.

"Sumaya got her mum's long legs, you don't see her showing them off" he retorted. Nice comeback, dad. I really did not see that one coming.

"My grandmother did not give me such grief over my dressing. Can I go now, old man?"

He shook his head and waved me off. I almost leapt for joy.

"Bye dad" I said and quickly exited. I could hear aunt Jamila chuckling and my dad cluelessly asking her, "what?"

I was driving into the Blue area, regretting not just letting Dom give me directions. All the houses looked alike! They did vary in colors like some were brick red, others a dull grayish-yellow, others orange and some were chocolatey brown. All I had to remember was, did I sleep in a brick red one or the chocolatey brown one? The people who planned this area sucked! Why didn't they have house numbers on a sign out front like a normal neighborhood? Looking for his car or Chris' was a hopeless cause. I spotted a car that looked exactly like it except for the huge yellow "Baby on Board" sticker on the back.

I gave up and humbled myself to call Dom. "Hey Dom, I am kinda lost-" I started to say.

"Bright red balloon, can't miss it" he laughed.

Sure enough, three houses away from where I was currently there was a bright red balloon bobbing in the wind over a short black iron gate. I drove up to it and parked on the curb. I walked through the gate on the tiled path across the cute little garden out front which I had not noticed before. I knocked on the polished black wooden door of a brick red brownstone and waited as I heard footsteps inside.

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