You are insecure about your body.

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You and your boyfriend Ashton were getting ready to go to the beach together. You were very excited because he had just gotten back from a six month tour. You were up stairs in your room packing up your towel, sun screen, flip flops, and sun glasses. While Ashton was downstairs packing a pick nick basket. Then you heard Ashton yell from downstairs "Hey babe are you ready??" "Yeah almost." You replied. You just had to put on your swim suit. This was the part you have always dreaded. The swim suit. You decided to try and be confident and a little sexy for Ashton since he just got back from tour. So you decided on a black bikini. As you put it on you felt okay and pretty confident. Then you turn around to look in your full length mirror and you start to evaluate your body. And you can't help but notice your stretch marks on you thighs. You immediately get very insecure and just fall to the ground crying quietly. The thoughts in your head screaming "Fat. Ugly. Disgusting. Worthless. Pig. How could he love you?!?!" Your crying a lot louder now you try to calm yourself down but it's too late you can hear foot steps coming up the stairs. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Ashton said with obvious concern in his voice; gently knocking on the door. You try and speak through the tears "Yeah." you mumbled. He opens the door, comes in and sits on the floor with you. "(Y/N) please tell me what's wrong." He said lifting your chin gently so your tear filled eyes met with his beautiful hazel ones. "You deserve better than me" you whimpered. "(Y/N) what are you talking about??" He asked very confused. "I mean I'm fat and ugly!! Look at me!!" you said still trying to talk through the tears and motioning toward your stretch marks. "I am. And you know what I see?? A beautiful girl that I love with all my heart. A girl that I would be lost without. A gorgeous girl that I love unconditionally. Just because you have a few imperfections on your body in no way lessen my affection for you (Y/N)." Your mouth was slightly open partly due to shock and the fact that you couldn't breath through your tears. Ashton then pulled your chin forward and kissed you gently on the lips and said "Now please put a smile on that beautiful face of yours and let's have a blast at the beach together." He said with a cheeky smile. He stood up and reached out his hand for you to take. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up gently. You grabbed your beach bag and then Ashton picked you up on his back and carried you down the stairs. You were both laughing the whole way down. He then grabbed the pick nick basket and held your hand as you and him walked to the car. You were now truly feeling confident.





"Are you ready for the dance babe?" Said your boyfriend Michael. Tonight was your senior prom and you were anything but excited. In fact you were terrified, nauseous, and very insecure. You had your hair, makeup, and nails done and you were feeling great until you put on your dress. All that went through your mind was "Once he sees me he won't want to go with me. I look like a fat pig. This dress makes me look pregnant. I look horrible. Who would want to dance with me?" You started to cry but calmed yourself down because you didn't want to mess up your makeup. That's when you heard his voice on the other side of the door. "Are you ready (Y/N)?" You couldn't say anything your throat was to dry to speak. "Hey (Y/N)! Are you okay??" Michael asked with more concern in his voice. "Yeah." You were able to say. "Michael maybe we just shouldn't go to the dance." You said barley loud enough for him to hear. "What are you talking about (Y/N)?? You have been looking forward to this night all year!?!? Can I come in?" He asked he sounded very sad, confused, and concerned. You decided to let him in "Sure." You muttered. He then walked in and closed the door behind him. When he saw you his eyes went big and all he said was "WOW". You turned around and just let your tears fall this time no longer caring about your makeup. "I know okay!! I know I look bad you don't have to tell me!" You said through your sobs. "(Y/N) what are you talking about?!?! You look beautiful hence the "wow". Michael said. You just continued to cry. "Look (Y/N) if you just want to stay here, cuddle, and watch movies that is fine but I would love to dance with my beautiful girlfriend tonight. Because I love you and want to show you off." You brushed off the tears off your cheeks and hug him and he hugs you back tightly and gives you quick kiss on the cheek and then on your lips. You take a deep breath "Okay lets do this." You say and quickly fix your makeup the head out the door with your love, best friend holding your hand.





"Fuck!!" you yelled. This was the 6th time you fell down. "How do girls walk in heels?!?!" You asked yourself. You have been practicing walking in heels because your boyfriend is basically a foot taller than you. You felt tiny, little, and insignificant when you were next to him. So to fix this problem you decided to buy a pair of 7inch heals. You have been trying for weeks to walk in these things but you just cant get the hang of it. In fact you were surprised that you haven't broke an ankle yet. "Okay one more time." you said as you pulled yourself back up. When got up you turned around to see Calum staring at you. "Ummmm (Y/N) what are you doing??" He asked. "Uh nothing..." you replied. "Then why are you wearing those things?? They look really uncomfortable." He said gesturing to your shoes. " I'm just...ya know what it doesn't even matter." you said stepping out of the shoes feeling nothing but utter defeat and embarrassment. You then picked up the shoes turned and threw them as hard as you could at the wall. They broke as soon as they made contact with the wall. You started screaming profanities at the top of your lungs and crying from anger as you made your way down the hallway to your room. Calum quickly caught up with you and wrapped his arms around you like he always did when ever you were mad or sad. "Babe what's wrong??" He asked. "I never feel equal to you!! I'm always down here and I'm always over looked so I was trying to be better I guess for you." you said. He then lifted you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. "(Y/N) if anything I am less than you. You are never over looked or forgotten by me. No matter how tall or short you are, you are and always will be the biggest and best part of my life. And please don't ever forget that, I love you." You immediately start kissing him passionately. Immediately forgetting all of your insecurities.





"All of these fans are so much prettier than me. And they all have bigger boobs than me too. Great." You have always had smaller boobs than most girls but it never really bothered you. And your boyfriend Luke never seemed to mind either. But lately more people have been pointing it out. Especially fans. So one morning while you were in the bathroom you decided to try and stuff your bra. "Okay one down one to go." You said after you stuffed some toilet paper in the right cup. You were in the middle of putting some in the left one now when the door opened. You flipped out and pulled the toilet paper out of both and had them in your hands. Luke was now in the bathroom too giving you a strange look. "(Y/N) were you just stuffing your bra with toilet paper??" He asked. "Ummm....yeah." you said with your head down. "Why?" Luke asked furrowing his brows. "Because I want you to think I'm "sexy" and I'm tired of fans telling me that I have the chest of a 12year old boy. I just want to be good enough." you said with your head still down and your eyes started to water due to how embarrassed you were. "(Y/N) you are perfect just the way you are." Luke said putting a hand on your waist and pulling you closer to him. You lifted your head to look him in the eyes and he kissed you gently but passionately. He pulled away and said "Now please come and watch a movie with me babe." You and Luke spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies. You no longer cared about what anyone else thought about your boobs.

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