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Midoriya stood at the edge of the school rooftop, staring at the ground below.

"I'm sorry izuku..."

"You should just take a swan dive off the roof, and pray to have a quirk in your next life!"

"You can't become a hero."

Anger surged through the green haired boy.

But he wasn't angry at his mom, or at all might. No, he couldn't be mad at them. He was angry at Bakugou, the one he put this idea in his head.

"Katsuki Bakugou," Izuku says. "I will get revenge on you, and you will suffer."

Then, he leaped.


"I'm sorry, we did all we could, but Izuku Midoriya is dead." A green haired woman bursts into tears.


"Katsuki," a blonde woman cries to her son, said son being incredibly confused and concerned. His mom NEVER cries. Never.

"Katsuki, Izuku... he's..." Bakugou scowls. What did that stupid Deku have to do with his mother crying?

"He's dead. He committed suicide. He jumped off the school rooftop." Mitsuki bursts into more uncontrollable sobs.

Katsuki's mind went blank. No way did that nerd do that. If he did that would mean it was Bakugou's fault he's dead.

'My fault...' everything went cold, and then faded to black.


The funeral was small. It was only Izuku's Mom, Inko, and the Bakugou's.

Katsuki was numb through the whole thing, and when it was his time to bid farewell to Izuku, he broke.

"I-I'm so sorry... this is all my fault!" He cries, causing concern to the rest.

"I killed him... it's my fault he's dead." Tears started to flood the blonds eyes.

He was swarmed in hugs from Inko and his parents. Through his tears, he sees a curly green hair that belonged to a certain Midoriya.

Then the figure disappears.


He made it. He made it into UA. But something felt wrong. Bakugou suddenly sees a flash of green out of the corner of his eyes. But when he turns to look, there is nothing.

With a sigh, he walks into the class room 1-A. He plops into a seat, and puts his feet up on the desk. Only a few minutes pass before he gets scolded by a blue haired glasses wearing boy. Something about respect?

The teacher arrived after awhile. Bakugou doesn't listen, not until he said something about going outside for some sort of test.


He was to demonstrate because he scored the highest.

'But at what cost?' A voice that sounded like Izuku whispers in Katsuki's head. He ignores it, it must be his imagination, it has to be. Izuku is dead, after all.

He throws the ball with his quirk, like he was told. He got a good distance.

The tests went on, him doing his best, he was sure he was going to get the best score.

By the end the results were shown, and he had gotten third.

"Guess you're the useless one now Kacchan." A voice that sounded like Izuku said, but this time it sounded like it came from next to him. He glances to his left, where he heard the voice come from. Izuku was there, but he didn't look like what he looked like before his suicide or during his viewing. He looked like he had just jumped off the roof. All battered and bloody, body twisted in unnatural angles. Katsuki felt his body freeze as his blood rushes out of his face. The class notices the change in his usual angry demeanor, and all turn to see the terror on the blonds face. And then he screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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