Chapter 1: New Life

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Grace POV:

I stared blankly at the two people who I happen to call parents as I waited for my plane to arrive. If you wanted to know I'm going to live in America for the rest of my high school life because my parents basically disowned me and don't want me in the house anymore, hell they don't even want me in the same country as them. So as soon as they found a couple willing to take me for another 2 years they got me a plane ticket, packed all my stuff up, shipped it off and now here I am waiting for my plane to arrive, so that I can finally get out of this damn country and away from my awful parents.

Finally I hear on the loud speaker that my gate has finally been opened and without even saying goodbye I walk off in the direction I think my gate is in. Now you may think that I should at least say bye to my parents but in my eyes right at this very moment they aren't my parents anymore, as of right now they are just two people who came together, had sex and then I popped out like "wassup bitches" only to get disowned. Ahhh aren't parents lovely?

~time skip~
I had finally landed in America after a round about 8 hour flight and was ready to go to sleep in a proper bed and not in a seat that is being kicked for what felt like 4 hours straight by an annoying little child behind me.

After I had collected my stuff which was only a small suitcase and my backpack because nearly all of my stuff had been sent over early that week so that it would be easier to settle in. I headed out into the car park looking out for a sign that said my name on it and yup there they were Mr and Mrs Willow, the couple who had decided to take me in for reasons I will probably never understand.

I put a smile on my lips as I walk over to them but me being me just had to trip over thin air and fall flat on my face right in front of them. My face goes bright red as I quickly stand and pretend that I didn't just fall over and maybe just maybe hurt myself...

Ok fine you got me, I hurt my elbow and hands. I think my elbow is bleeding but I don't pay attention to it because I can just sort it out when I get to their house.

"Um.." I start, shifting my weight from one foot to the other due to my nervousness, "I'm Grace Bennett, thanks for letting me stay at your house." I finish off my sentence with a warm smile and wait for there response. To my surprise Mrs Willows throws her arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug, which I return because hey not hugging someone back when they hug you is just rude and awkward and also I just love hugs. Did you know that just one hug could brighten someone's day up and make them feel so much more better?? But make sure you ask before you hug someone just in case they don't like or don't want to be touched.

Mrs. Willows releases me "it's so nice to finally meet you Grace, we have heard so much about" she smiled widely. I raised an eyebrow at her wondering what she has heard about me and hoped that it was all good stuff but judging by her smile I kinda guessed that she didn't hear anything bad about me. I then turned to Mr. Willows expecting him to say something but he just simply nodded and took my suitcase out of my hand and took it to there car.

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