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I had never been the type of person to get attached. Whenever someone came into my life I never paid much attention, only putting in little effort. It wasn't that I didn't care, only that nobody really seemed to care about me.

The one time I did start to care, was with a boy. He was charming and sweet, giving all his attention to me. I'd never thought that someone like that could exist until I met him. I was naive, clueless, and I wasn't ready for what came after that.

My point is, no matter what you do, don't get your hopes up. It'll all end up crashing and burning, leaving your hopes and dreams to die.

That was what I had learned anyways.

My family had moved a lot when I was young but I didn't remember much. They had finally settled down in a town in Michigan where I had made some friends and started my life. After what had happened with him, I shut down. I couldn't live my life how I used to. My friends noticed and stopped talking to me. My classes were getting harder and I couldn't keep up. Everybody else avoided me, including my family. I don't know how but everything was falling apart.

That's when I realized that nobody cared. Nobody will ever care.

And I had gone on to live like that for a few months until my mom got a new job. We had to move out of state. Again.

It was really a breath of relief. I got to leave everyone and everything that had made my life so miserable all behind me. But a new start didn't mean happiness. It was just a different place full of a bunch of dull people, who, like the rest, didn't care.

My life at this point wasn't great but at the time I had given up all hope of it getting better. I guess a new start wouldn't be that bad.


We had moved to a large town, with too many schools to count. I had been put in one of the many high schools near our new house. It was in walking distance but not as close as you'd expect. Even though my mom thought otherwise.

"It's perfect for when you miss the bus. This way your dad doesn't have to drive you!" She beamed at me, obviously excited about the house and our new surroundings. I didn't care much for it though.

Our house was pretty big, with 4 rooms and an office. There was a separate dining room from the kitchen and the living room was big enough for two large couches. I was quite impressed since our old house wasn't nearly this big.

My little sister skipped up the stairs and found me brushing my teeth.

"I have to pee hurry up!" she whined even though she's almost twelve.

"Why don't you brush your teeth with me so you're distracted, then we'll not only be done quicker, but it's one less thing to do." I smiled with a mouth full of toothpaste.

She pouted but grabbed the toothpaste and her brush anyways.

When I washed out my mouth with some water I walked out of the room, having the door slam shut behind me. I rolled my eyes and headed towards my room. The one room without a light on.

With the flick of a switch, I could see how much unpacking I still had to do. Boxes were all over the place, the only things that weren't in boxes were my bed, a few pieces of furniture and my TV.

After unpacking some boxes and putting some sheets on my bed, I laid down and put something on Netflix. I hadn't gotten around to deciding where I wanted to put the TV, so the floor was a great option for now.

It wasn't long before my eyelids got heavy, and I eventually drifted off to sleep.

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