Author's Note

1.2K 44 23

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I stopped being active on Wattpad (a few years to be exact) and it was not until recently when I remembered about this story I wrote, which is the main reason I took a break from Wattpad in the first place. This book, "How to Get More Followers" was written because the amount of followers and views I received suddenly became more important to me than my actual enjoyment in writing. One of the chapters I wrote in the original book said that if you follow me, I will follow you back, which became an issue when so many people only became interested in the same thing as me: followers.

Saying this, before reading this book, I want to let everyone know that followers is not the most important thing on Wattpad. I also want to let everyone know that this is a rewritten version of the original, as said in the previous paragraph.

Lastly, as cliche as it sounds, the point of Wattpad isn't the reads or followers. It's about getting the chance to explore yourself and let your imagination grow. However, if you really want tips on how to get more followers, feel free to read the rest of the book. 


How To Get More Followers On WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now