The Knock Out

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I was knocked out so cold that when I got up I thought I was in heaven. But then my mom came and started lecturing the heck out of me. I was like "oh God I'm not dead I was going to die".

But the next thing I know that I have fangs and I wanted the blood from the cut my mom got when she was cutting up the seasonings for dinner. I was a blood thirsty monster. I was trying to stop myself from doing what I was going to. Instead of going to my mom I went to the fridge I took out a box juice and sucked on it.

I was so frightened when I realized what I was doing. I went back to my room to get some rest for school.

When I woke up the next morning I was filled turned out that juice I drank last night was fruit punch. I went into the bathroom I looked in the mirror to put on make up and my reflection was gone. I screamed so loud that I broke the lightbulb and I started to cry at the same time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was like omg I'm not going to be able to put on make up ever again. I immediately called Mia one of my friends and told her everything and it turned out that it didn't just happened to me alone it happened to my two BFFs Matt and Mia.

Mia's flashback

We were at Solvering sitting right outside of Popoyes eating a very delicious meal when a guy attacked us when we ran together another guy came out of no and then they both started chasing us so we decided to split up they were both fully black one was taller than the other people started to stare at us and started shouting and laughing 🗣️. We kept running I went the wrong way but Matt went straight to his dad's restaurant and lost the guy there. I ran straight into the other guy and they cornered me then one of them hit me with a piece of stick on the back and I thought he broke my spine then the other one bit me then after he was finished they ran then Matt came and helped me his dad dropped me home and my mom couldn't believe it.

No one's flashback

"I think there going to go back after Matt"Mia said surprisingly. "We have got to warn him and never let him out of our sight", I said,"you mean stick with him wherever he goes"!!😣😣😣😣😨😨😨😨 Mia said disgustly "Yah but first we gotta go to school", I said chuckling.

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