Chapter One

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George the wandering cantaloupe, traveling through the desert, comes across a spring. There he finds his friend, Kyle the marmoset. Kyle says to George "I pray thee for assistance brother! My bod hath plungéd into the deep!" George willing to help, uses the ancient technique he learned in the alps of Nepal to summon a swarm of fish to lift Kyle out of the water. "My greatest thanks upon thee kind mellon!" Said Kyle between his gasps and chokes "I most surely would have been Poseidon's personal possession!" George said nothing but Kyle knew that his thanks was deeply appreciated.

They wandered in silence looking for a good place to rest. After hours of walking, they found a town. Before they could rest a while, a bearded newt walked up and asked "Do any o'the likes o'you seen Midge Peetey?"

"Not I." Said Kyle with a twirl of his tail. "And my fruity friend shan't ever see anyone. He lacks the eyeballs to do so." The newt considered this.

"Midge has been missing for twelve months!" Said the newt.

"That's one year." Said Kyle with great confidence.

"I see we got a college ape." Said the newt all brash. "I taught Latin at Yale. Until they found my...belongings." The cantaloupe looked confused not really following the conversation. This is where Kyle started getting feisty.

"Now sir, I don't mean to be harsh but could you kindly move out of our way before I assert myself in a physical matter." Sensing the hostility, the newt got on his knees and begged

"please, you must help me! You are the only people to listen to my woeful tale. You must help me find Midge Peetey!" George finally understanding the situation turned towards Kyle, who reluctantly said;

"Very well strange newt, we will help you on your quest, but first we must rest. We will meet in the pub midday tomorrow." The newt began to jump for sheer joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" (The amount of thank yous is important to the plot of the story) And with that he respectfully got out of the way. 

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