Prologue: Events Forever Burned Into My Memory

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A/N: As a quick heads up, just in case you looked at the story without reading WHSS first; here's the warrior names into their set names in the story. Along with their meanings Xd

Cinderheart - Cynthia Casi Lawson | Beautiful Shield Maiden 

Lionblaze - Leonardo (Leon) Lionel Bramble | Invincible to all but the heart

Hollyleaf - Holly Hailey Forrester | Intelligent Calculating Genius

FallenLeaves - Finli Forrestor | Protector of Knowledge

Briarlight - Breanna (Bree) Briley Grayas | Genius of Physics

Jayfeather - Jay Justin Grayas (Took Bree's last name) | Fluttering blue bird

Ashfur - (Very LOOSELY based off of) Ashton Ligera| Bringer of Revenge

Thunder roared through the stormy sky above, and lightning split the sky in a flash of white light. Illuminating the dark neighborhood, the woman stumbling along the sidewalk, and the dark blood staining her shirt dark red. The color of ink in the storm's dim light.

The thunder and lightning weren't alone in the dark storm, rain pelted the ground like small laser bullets, the sounds echoing through the streams in a roaring dull hum that masked the woman's labored breaths.

I have to get there... Just a little further... Her vision blurred, making the poor woman see double through the agonizing pain of her sternum. Cold sweat beaded her forehead, and even the crimson liquid staining her hands felt cold, chilly to the touch.

It was like her senses were failing, as an early symptom of blood loss along with painful tingling in her fingers and toes. Tingling that made it hard to remain upright on her feet in her unsteady hobble toward a well kept dark-green house in the distance.

There wasn't any possibility of her trying to get there, there was only the possibility of actually getting there. The other outcome, the outcome of her bleeding out from the stab wound wasn't something Cynthia could even fathom at the time.

Please... I can make it... I have to...

Her rattling breaths were harsh and uneven. Her body heaving and trembling for the proper amount of air needed to properly keep consciousness and keep her dulling senses as sharp as she could.

The stumbling gait inched her slowly closer to the green-colored house across the street. Where the distance between her and the safety she knew resided in that particular house, spanned miles to her half-delirious mind.

"Holly..." the name escaped her cracked lips in a breath heaving groan. Her attempt on calling her friend's name effectively useless, but it made her feel a little better, a little closer to the freedom and safety supplied there. Her vision blurred again, causing the porch light on Holly's house to be double in the injured woman's eyes for a few seconds.

Just before Cynthia's feet hit the stairs of Holly's porch and she fell hard onto the wooden planks splattering blood over the pristine floor from her hacking coughs. Just... A little... Further... Cynthia's arms shook violently as she grabbed onto one of the porch supports and heaved her body upright, her vision wobbling and her body trembling from blood loss.

Even so, the young woman managed to make it to the door and hit her fist against it a few times before she rang the doorbell with shaking fingers.

She could feel her senses flickering, her vision going dark around the edges and feeling numbness began to spread throughout her entire body starting with her fingers and toes first. Please... StarClan please answer the door... I don't have much time left...

Thankfully StarClan seemed to watch over the half-drowned woman and the door opened, sending Cynthia stumbling into the doorway and grasping her friend by the shirt as her knees gave out from under her.

"Cynthia?!" Holly shrieked, her voice barely filtering through the heavy buzz in Cynthia's ears. "What's wrong?!"

"Help..." Cynthia croaked as she felt her grip on her friend's shirt loosening without her telling it to. "Help... baby," she pleaded with her friend, trying to get her message across through broken words and sounds as her body finally gave up on her under the warm and reassurance that Holly was there. She could finally rest...

Cynthia distantly felt her body be lowered to the floor and something like Holly was cutting through the fabric of her shirt to access her wound but didn't register any of her friend's words. Instead, she felt weightless and warm, free of the pain of her damaged sternum and internal bleeding. Cocooned in something warm as her head lolled to one side and those blue eyes where fear usually frequented, slid shut. Allowing her at last, the rest she craved as everything else finally faded away.

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