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I sat behind the counter at work, waiting for a customer to walk through the door. It was mid afternoon on a Monday, and my work place had been empty most of the day, making my shift undeniably boring. I stared at the clock as the last ten minutes went to waste, standing there, wondering why I got a job here.

"Today has been so boring." Kris groaned, coming out of the back room.

"True that. What are you doing after your shift?" I asked with an exaggerated yawn.

"I'm going to hang out with a few friends."

"Which friends?"

"Just Chanyeol and Tao, is someone jealous?"

"No." I snapped back, rolling my eyes.

"You know you're my best friend, but I promised them."

"I know, go and have fun, and come back with a date." I giggled.

He rolled his eyes and turned to the back room to grab our bags. It was such a relief to close up the store and finally be free. I slung my bag over my shoulder and watched Kris jump in Tao's car. I decided to just head to a nearby cafe for a coffee to hopefully boost my energy and will to live.

I slumped into the busy cafe, hauling my bag on my back as I got to the counter and looked up at the barista that was serving me. I felt my heart almost skip a beat as I saw his perfect features contort into a friendly smile.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" He asked with a dazzling smile that made my stomach flutter.

"Um, uh, j-just a coffee please," I blushed.

He chuckled and smiled again at me, before turning to make my drink.

After a while, I was woken up from my daydream by this man once again. My eyes focused on his gorgeous features, his big brown eyes that I practically drowned in, his dark brown hair that looked so soft and his perfect, clear skin.

"H-hello, miss," He chucked as he slid my drink towards me.

"Oh, sorry, I was just um," I stuttered before being interrupted,

"It's ok, miss here's is your coffee," he smirked, he obviously knew I was staring.

"Th-thanks" I let out a nervous giggle, had one last look at his gorgeousness, and left hastily before I could become more embarrassed.

As I unlocked my car, the same man ran out of the little cafe towards me.

"I'm sorry miss but to forgot your coffee, you left it on the counter as you left." he let out another one of his sexy smirks, as he chuckled under his breath.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I stuttered

"No! It's ok miss," he said quickly

A short moment passed of us just looking at eachother.

"Well it was nice to meet you, I hope I will see you soon,"

He smirked again making my stomach flutter.

As he turned, he flashed a wink in my direction, making me almost faint.

"B-bye!"I called,

I got in the car, once he had left, and drove home cursing myself for becoming so flustered.

Once I got home I realised it was seven o'clock and it was time for a nap. But I couldn't stop thinking about that sexy barista. I finally fell asleep on my couch watching TV, but I was woken up by my dog jumping up on to my stomach to sleep, I groaned and checked my phone to find it was almost ten o'clock, so I reluctantly dragged myself up to bed, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


The next morning I woke up at six o'clock remembering I had an early start at seven. I stretched before dramatically throwing my arms around,not wanting to move. I told myself to stop being such a child and get up to be an adult.

I dragged my feet to the kitchen to grab a quick cereal bar as I returned to my room to get ready. I threw on my uniform before scraping my hair into a convenient ponytail and brushing my teeth and washing my face. I tried to talk myself out of going to work before my mature side shone through and talked me back into it.

I quickly packed a bag with the necessary items for work and once I was ready to go, I picked up my phone and keys, got in the car and made my way to work.

Once I got there, I sat down at my desk, and as soon as I was ready, I got my first client, after that the customers just kept going and going, much to my disappointment.


When my shift was finally done, I grabbed my bag with unnecessary haste and headed straight to Kris' office, he still had a client so I waited for a bit untill he was done. When the person had gone I went straight through the door and collapsed onto the couch. Kris just sat looking at me with a serious look on his pale, beautiful face, though the smirk tugging at the corners of his lips were quickly betraying his professional demeanor.

After what seemed like an hour, but was only a few minutes, Kris finally spoke.

"Hey Wooju." he sighed,

"Hi Kris." I muttered

"What's up?"

"Only that I went for a coffee yesterday and i was served by a really
Sexy guy and I left my coffee in the shop and he chased me out and he winked at me as he walked away!"
I blurted out without taking a breath.

"Um, ok. What's his name?"

"I don't know, he had no name tag." I said pouting

"As soon as I finish this, we are going to the club bitch!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Come on then, get in the car."

Once we got to the cafe, Kris stayed in the car so that I could talk to him alone. I took a deep breath, and stepped into the shop. My eyes scanned the room, there he was, working at the counter.

I stepped up to where he was standing, he turned around to serve me and he looked shocked, then his eyes and lips softened into another of his sexy smirks. After about a minute of just staring at each other, he piped up and said,

"Hello again. What can I get for you?"

"Umm, hi, just another coffee, please,"

He turned to the same machine as last time, put a mug in, pushed a button and turned back to look at me, we just stared at each other again until the machine went off to signal that my coffee was done, he sighed and turned back to get my coffee, once I had it I turned to leave after he flashed another of his sexy smirks and winked again, he called,

"I hope to see you again soon, miss," he blushed

"Yeah, me too," I blushed back, painting my face a bright shade of scarlet.

He turned his head slightly to try and hide his redness.

"It's ok to blush," I teased with sudden confidence.

"I know, I just don't want to in front of you,"


"Because I'm embarrassed."

"Oh, ok," I said not pushing it further.

I made sure to pick up my coffee, and left once he had gone to serve another customer. I got back into the car with Kris and he glanced at me.

"You look like a tomato."

I couldn't stop thinking about him the whole car ride home.

Perfect Little, Big Boy (D.O. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now