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1. 5+ Lines Please
I've been roleplaying mainly with undescriptive people lately, so I want some info about what's happening. This just offers more entertaining content to me.

2. You Play My Crush I Play Your Crush
This one's just common knowledge. But just in case, do a similar amount of text for my crush to your OC as well. As I generally do the same for my OC as your OC and your crush. So, the less fair you are, the less fair I am.

3. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus
All characters must have 3+ flaws to balance them out, fears and personality Traits that could make them unlikeable. And clumsy and shy don't count. Those are just cutesy flaws. I mean stuff like they are arrogant.

4. Don't be too overpowered
You can't be stronger than Saitama and survive his punches with no damage. You can survive one punch from him, but with serious injuries. And any powers you do have much have significant Drawbacks to them.

5. Don't Control My OC
Sure, I might let you off once or twice if your character has mind control powers, but if you do something like 'Mary Sue danced, making Tri walk over, a lustful expression on their face.' it will most likely make my OC (Tri) act out of character. And I don't want that.

6. No Smut
Please, I'm extremely uncomfortable with smut. If your OC happens to have some playtime with your OC or has a job related to it, then just timeskip it. For the sake of everyone reading in the comments, or me reading through our messages.

7. Censor swearing.
I want this book to have no chance of being reported and deleted. I've worked hard to come up with this, and I get precious memories from my roleplay books. The password is Centaurs. I don't want to lose them because you forgot to censor the word f*ck or something.

8. Give my character some time in the spotlight
Your OC can't always be the center of attention, and my crush is instantly best friends with them. As I've said before, I want this roleplay to be fun for the both of us, so give both sides of the roleplay some drama, angst and fluff in them occasionally.

There's a password hidden in the rules, so have fun trying to find it!

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