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would rather listen to cat

As you may know (if you watch SMP Live) Schlatt abhors the stal, despite it being one of the most liked music discs in minecraft. Maybe it's the high pitched recorder solo near the beginning of the song. Perhaps its the beat? The melody? Whatever it was, Schlatt constantly put down this music disc as much as he could. He wouldn't dare speak to anyone who enojoyed it. It disgusted him.

Schlatt kept the music disc with him, so that if he ever met anyone new in the server, he would play the disc and ask if they enjoyed it. If they say no, they pass. If they say yes, he will never speak, or even dare to look at them again. It's just how it was going to be. Anyways, he had the stal music disc in his inventory. Schlatt was in a crisis, he was in a rage about something. He took the disc and threw it into a bubbling pit of lava. And that was the end of Stal. Schlatt would never have to keep the disgusting disc in his inventory any longer.

Schlatt sighed with relief, went back to his minecraft house, and went to sleep.

When you sleep in minecraft, you don't dream, you just instantly wake up, and it would be day time. But that night, Schlatt woke up and did not find himself in his minecraft house.

I'm basically shipping him with an object (which is pretty sad tbh) so it gets very strange (as warned) here because i had to get creative. Here you go,

He was in the void. He was standing on a single grass block floating in the void. This baffled Schlatt. He tried to type something in the chat, but the chat would not appear. He could move, but didn't dare to, since his inventory had valuables at the moment, and if he fell off he would lose them forever.

"What the actual frick..." he said out loud.

Then he noticed something in the distance. It was very hard to see it at first, but when it got closer he realized the fast moving dark orb was a music disc... not just any music disc, but the stal disc he had thrown into the lava. It was moving closer to him a high speed, until it stopped infront of him.

Suddenly a there was a voice in his head. "Oh. You're the one who threw me into to the lava."

Schlatt was baffled. He didn't answer.

"You don't... seem that bad." The voice, presumably the stal disc, said again. "Come on, can't you talk or something?"

"What the frick are you?!" Schlatt shouted out loud.

The thing in his head seemed to laugh and say, "I'm Stal. The music disc. Remember?"

Schlatt was still panicked. "What?" He said.

"Yeah. My spirit haunts whoever throws me into lava. Kinda sucks actually." Stal explained.

It's really fracking hard to write this with a serious tone.

Did I take drugs or something? Schlatt thought.

"No, you didn't," Stal said. "A music disc is haunting you."

Schlatt got up out of his chair, picked up his keyboard and whacked his head with it repeatedly.

"Wait no! Don't do that!" Stal suddenly started shouting. "You might mess up your head! Or your adorable handsome face! Stop!"

anybody cringing with me as you read this?

Schlatt put down the keyboard. The keys "F" and "K" had come off and fell to the floor.

"Look what you did! Now you can't spell f-"

"Can you just, uh, shut up." Schlatt said, annoyed.

Stal made a dissatisfied grunt and stayed silent for a few seconds as Schlatt sat down to reflect on what exactly was going on.

Stal got impatient and started to blurt, "But don't-"

"No-" Schlatt interrupted.

"Don't you want to-"


"Don't you want to know how to get rid of me?!" Stal shouted, very loudly in his head.

"I-" Schlatt started.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Stal retorted.

"Handsome idiot..." it muttered.

"Excuse me?"

Ignoring Schlatt, Stal began to explain. "If you want to get rid of me, you're going to have to get another music disc of me."

Schlatt looked back at his monitor. "Couldn't I just take it from right there?"

"Nope. You're going to have to do the old creeper and skeleton thing." Stal said.

Schlatt sighed. "This is bull crap..."

"On the bright side," Stal began, "You're not nearly as bad as all the other people I had to haunt."

"What, is that supposed to be like, a compliment or something?"

"W-well yeah..." Stal muttered.

"I freaking trash talked you and and threw you into a pit of freaking lava." Schlatt argued. "How are you even able to compliment me if I was such a piece of crap to you?"

Stal stayed silent for a moment.

"You're sympathetic, too!" It said. "Th-that's why I like you."

Schlatt groaned. "The feeling isn't mutual." He said bleakly.

"F-fine then," it replied, frustrated. "Guess you'll just have to be annoyed by me until you get the disc."

I think I'm going to have to make a 2nd part for this. If it gets too long, I might even make it into a separate book.

It took me two days to write this mess of a story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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