Harry Potter and the Four Heirs

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Harry Potter and the Four Heirs


Harry and three other students become Heirs, all with a different elemental power. Will it help in the battle, or will something stop them? Romance, Destruction, Betrayal, Death and Horror. What treats lie ahead, for Harry? My third story, hope you like it. Please R&R.

Chapter 1: A Will and An Award.

The residences of Privet Drive were all taking advantage of the good weather. Most were either cutting their lawns or washing their cars. There was only one person out hidden under a tree, Harry Potter.

Harry Potter lay under a large tree, in the back garden of number four Privet Drive. He had jet-black hair, which was stuck up at angles and emerald green eyes. Upon his forehead lay a thin scar, like a lightning bolt.

There was something very special about Harry Potter. Something that everyone of Privet Drive thought was something children read in books. Harry Potter was a wizard. Harry Potter lay daydreaming, staring at the foot of a bench. Only recently, someone that was a second father, to Harry, had died by falling through a magical veil.

"Stop thinking about that!" thought Harry angrily.

Harry had been thinking about his Godfather's death all summer. He had to keep telling himself to stop thinking about the death. After the tragic death, Harry had been losing his temper more often than normal. He argued non-stop with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, though almost every time got into a fight with his cousin Dudley.

One night Harry laid awake in bed, this was a normal thing for Harry. He had not dared go to sleep, because every time he did, he would see the death of his Godfather. He lay forcing his eyes to stay open, when a flash of red and gold appeared in his room.

When Harry had focused his eyes from the flash, he found a letter and a single red and gold feather. Harry instantly knew that this was from his headmaster and that the feather was from a Phoenix, Fawkes.

Harry had fallen out with his headmaster. Harry had discovered a prophecy and the truth to his life. Harry had argued with his headmaster, who kept saying things that made it all worse.

Harry opened the letter grudgingly and once he read the words he threw it down angrily and punched the wall next to him. It read:

Dear Harry,

I understand that you are not in the best of moods with me. However, I quite understand your anger and I repeat that I am sorry for Sirius's death. I am going to give you some advice. Do not mourn Sirius's death; it will only make things worse. I know you will get angry for me saying that. Though I hope, you are more cheerful, when I say that I and some other Order members shall pick you up tomorrow. Have your things ready for noon, we will not be late. We have a few issues to deal with before we take you back to the Burrow.

See you soon,

Albus Dumbledore.

After Harry threw the letter and punched the wall, he thought back to the letter. He knew that Dumbledore meant well, he should not mourn Sirius. Harry knew he would not go to sleep, so he got off his bed and circled his room, collecting his possessions and placing them into his trunk.

Harry soon later dropped off to an uneasy sleep. He had the familiar nightmare. He watched Sirius fall, in what seemed slow motion. Then he suddenly awoke to the banging of his bedroom door.

"GET UP BOY. YOU HAVE BREAKFAST TO MAKE!" snapped Uncle Vernon nastily.

Harry breathed heavily; he did not feel much to another argument. He pulled on some fresh clothes and walked downstairs. Harry could hear the usual complaining voice of his Uncle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2008 ⏰

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