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Alexander woke up to three boys jumping on him. But these weren't any boys. These three boys were his sons, Philip, James, and William.

"What do you boys want?" He groaned.
"Uncle John wants to see you." Alexander heard Will say. He chuckled. John had been talking to Alexander nonstop ever since..the accident. "Why don't you boys go tell Uncle John I'll be there in like 10 minutes. Mkay?" He flipped over onto his back and saw the boys nod. Alexander sighed as the boys ran off. How could they be so happy with her gone.

After a couple minutes of thinking Alexander realized that John would be waiting for him. He got out of bed and got ready.

As soon as he was done getting ready he walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Morning." He heard a sleepy female say. He turned around and saw of his best friends, Adrienne de Lafayette. "Morning Dri. How'd you sleep?" "Better. You?" He groaned as he pulled out a plate. She walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Aw. Sweetie I'm you'll get over it soon." He sighed, "I'm not sure if I ever will." They separated and Adrienne pulled out a loaf of bread. "Toast?" She smiled. No one could say no to her smile. "Sure. Why not?" Alexander chuckled. He went over and opened the fridge and pulled out the butter as Adrienne took out the toaster and plugged it in.


Alexander has just finished his toast when he glanced at the clock. 10:50. He was supposed to meet John a half hour ago. Hopefully he wouldn't mind. He picked up his plate and took it to the sink and set in the soapy water.

He walked outside and took a moment to get some fresh air. He looked down at the beach that their house was built on. He remembered proposing to his beautiful wife on this beach. Their long walks at night. Laughing, cuddling, kissing, even making out on this beach. Oh, how he missed her.

He walked over to a building that looked abandoned and tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. "Kick it!" He heard a voice say. Alexander kicked the door and it opened. He walked into a dark room and clapped twice the lights flickered on and he heard a screech. "Why? Why the lights?" John was the scientist of the group. Always in his lab working on projects. But he always worked in the dark. Whenever someone turned the lights on he felt like a kid asking their parents to close the door on their out of the room, and not doing it. He walked over to John and saw that he was rubbing his eyes. "I hate you." He turned to Alexander once his eyes adjusted.

"So. You wanted to see me?" Alexander said. "Oh yeah. I need to ask you some questions about E-" John was interrupted by Alexander covering his mouth. "Don't you dare say her name." John knew that he was serious. "Right. Sorry." He grabbed his goggles off of the table and went in the back. Alexander followed him.

"So what questions do you need answered?" "Oh. Just some basic questions. Like favorite color, favorite flower. That kind of stuff." John picked up a notepad and a pen. He walked over to a machine. "What's that?" "Recherche de personne." John replied. He was pressing buttons and flipping switches. "Uh. Translate. I haven't spoken French since um you know." John put his goggles on. "Person finder. This baby can find anyone." "How does it work?" Alexander asked. "You put things that the person you want to find right here" He pointed at the funnel shaped part of the machine. "like their favorite flower, or an old t-shirt of theirs, stuff like that. And it tracks them down and after a couple minutes it shows you where they are here." He pointed at a radar screen. "I have a radar outside that's strong enough to scan the entire earth. I've already tested it on Dri and Laf, and it succeed both times." "You were gonna see if you could find..." Alexander looked at the notepad. John nodded. "These questions don't look too hard. I'll help." Alexander smiled. John punched the air excitedly. He took the notepad and grabbed a pen.

Word Count: 729
Hope y'all enjoyed!

- Xo Jazzy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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