The Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Man)

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The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Climbed Up The Water Spout

Down Came The Rain
And Washed The Spider Out

Out Came The Sun
And Dried Up All The Rain

So The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Climbed Up The Spout Again

After Endgame, similar plot to my other story


Ominous black clouds covered the once blue sky, releasing a downpour heavy as his emotions. Peter Parker, disguised in his Spider-Man apparel, climbed the walls of an apartment building in Queens, New York.

He was mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. Today was the 8 year anniversary of his Uncle Ben's death, and it seemed to bring trauma. Not but a while ago, his mentor and a sort of parental figure, Tony Stark, had passed in a battle to save the universe. Others may have seen this as heroic, but Peter thought what Tony did was stupid.

He's been told by every member of the remaining Avengers, including the inputs of Pepper, Happy, and even Morgan, that he was one of the main reasons Tony sacrificed himself, for a better future for the boy. But Peter didn't want to be the reason he had to leave. He wanted to be the reason for Tony to stay, to live, and to keep on fighting. Although life doesn't work the way one wants.

First his parents, although he may have not known them for long, he loved them. Then Uncle Ben, who's death not only broke his heart, but May's as well. Even Liz Allen, who had to move away because of his careless acts and stupid desire to prove he wasn't just a sideline hero. And now Tony, the final person who managed to break him completely. Why was it always Peter losing those he cared about? Did the world hate him? Couldn't he for once in his life be genuinely happy?

The excessive thoughts and sadness was put to a hold when he finally reached the rooftop of the medium-sized building. As he climbed over the ledge, he leaned on it, then proceeded to slide down it with his back pressed firmly against the brick railing. He stayed sat there with his legs crossed and his heart weighing of feelings as dark as the threatening clouds.

A clap of thunder boomed resonating across the rainy area, whilst adding further force into the falling drops of water. If his emotions didn't already ruin this day, the weather sure would've. He reasoned that today was just completely awful. Uncle Ben's death anniversary already saddened him, but patrol added more baggage when he had to face with a new villain who called himself "Scorpion." Life really needed to be put on a pause.

Peter felt like a spider, small and invaluable. His current dilemma reminded him of that one nursery rhyme about a spider. The rapid shower resembled the adversities on his climb up the spout called life. But the strenuous weight of the challenges he'd faced was too difficult that it pushed him down until he was falling into an abyss of defeat. Yet unlike the tale, there was no surmounting it. So he sat there with his head in his hands, overwhelmed with the thought that there would be no sun to give him motivation.

Around thirty minutes of sorrow later, Peter heard the sound of a door creaking open. The door that lead to the roof had been opened by a figure he couldn't quite form yet. But when said figure advanced in the direction of him, he could make out who it was: Michelle Jones.

She ambled to him with a blanket held close in one arm and an umbrella in the other, securing herself from the splattering drops. When she was within three feet from him, she leaned down and removed the umbrella slightly so it's shadow wouldn't cast her face to be hidden. The second her face became more visible he saw a kind smile etched onto her face. The ones that she would display to him only.

Suddenly it felt like his heart had stopped along with the pouring rain. Like a ray of sunshine spotlighted on their perched figures emphasizing the moment more. And he looked at her. Really looked at her.

He realized all along he did have support. Michelle who's helped him recently steady himself through his difficult times, and supported him unconditionally. Despite vocalizing her opinion on how reckless his superhero job was and that she worried for him. But she was there, and promised to always be.

Her assistance helped him to balance the negative and the positive. And she was most certainly a positive.

At that moment, as both gazed into each other's eyes lovingly, the rain had stopped. And though not a minute after, the sun had made it's way out again, her presence seemed to be more blinding. Her hands lifted up to his unmasked face wiping away and drying his tears as the sun did to the wet scenery.

It was then that he understood. She was his sun. Brightening his life even as he was being challenged. Always there for him when needed. She was his motivation to climb back up the spout though it may seem that the odds are against him. He made a vow to do the same for her as a return of both gratitude and love. Because he loved her and she loved him. They were each other's sunshine on a cloudy day.

"Stay safe," the words fell from her full lips so eloquently and with such tender care. She unraveled the curled up blanket to reveal a hydro flask with warm cocoa inside of it. And after carefully placing the bottle down next to him, she gently wrapped the blanket around his broad shoulders. She kissed his tear stained cheek then stood up once more. With one final goodbye and an invite inside, she made her way to the door leaving him in complete solace.

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