Chapter one

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After the incident with Slughorn, Ron is now in the infirmary. However, I decided to leave Ron alone with Hermione and Lavander first, because the two are arguing incessantly.
From habit I walk to the toilet of the moaning Myrthe, actually only because of the secret passage into our tower, however, I hear someone crying. Who could that be?

I search for the noise in consternation. It comes from the toilet and inside I can hear Percy Weasley say: "Ronald Billius Weasley! What are you doing here? This is a girl's bathroom!" ready to help the person I walk into the bathroom and in my head, I can hear the voice of Percy Weasley: "Ronald Billius Weasley! What are you doing here? This is a girl's toilet!"

With a smile, I open the door. I hear two well-known voices: Myrthe and Dra-Malfoy, the ice prince of Slytherin with his cold voice. They don't notice me. Fortunately. Draco sounds dejected, almost sad. Does he have feelings?! He also seems abandoned and broken. Poor guy, but somehow he deserves it. After all, everyone has to pay for what he does. Maybe I'll get closer? Then maybe I can help him. STOP! HARRY JAMES POTTER! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING RIGHT NOW! AND EVEN BETTER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AT ALL! YOU SHOULD NOT GO INSIDE AND HELP HIM! HARRY ARE YOU COMPLETELY STUPID? DON'T-
I ignore my inner voice, take off the cloak of invisibility and place a hand on his shoulder, ready to help. Myrthe flies away and I am alone with him.

"Malfoy? What's going on", I ask friendly. "Potter! What are you doing here?', he says confused but his voice immediately swings into a rage, "I heard someone crying and I thought I might be able to help. I don't want anything bad, okay?" He looks at me hopefully. "Thank you. "You're welcome. What is going on", I repeat my question. "Volde-The Dark Lord?" He nods and hugs me tightly. I feel his tears on my shirt. He smells like peppermint and old books and I hope he wouldn't let me go. But this won't happen. I am Harry Potter and he is Draco Malfoy. This thing here is completely unlogical. Then he lets me go again and I feel a pleasant tingling sensation on my skin. Now silence reigns and he takes a step away from me. Strangely enough, I miss his closeness immediately.
"Goodbye.", Draco says and immediately I begin to talk. "May... Maybe we can start over again", I ask and he turns around to me again. He looks as if he would be happy about the question, because I can see golden spots flashing in his eyes and the longer I look at these eyes, the more I sink into the storm of grey. How can one have such beautiful eyes? HARRY!

My inner voice brings me back to reality.

"Uhm... I am Harry. Harry Potter." He smiles and gives me his hand. "Draco. Draco Malfoy. Do we want to be friends?"

What will Ron and Hermione think when I tell them this? Maybe they'll even hate me and maybe not only them but also the other Gryffindors? Was the sorting hat right? Am I a Slytherin?

Never mind. I take his hand and shake it. "I'd love to," I answer him. Now I am friends with my arch-enemy, Draco Lucius Malfoy. He turns around and leaves the room.

Can anybody please pinch me? Now? This can't be real. No this is too strange.

I walk out of the room too and go upstairs to our dormitory to sleep. Tomorrow I can see if it's real or just a dream.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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