Chapter 1 (PREVIEW)

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Authors Note: I'm back with another fanfic! Here's a little sneak preview of it, if you want more just comment down below and tell me what you think of it so far! 

"I saved you're ass just admit it" The ginger said with a roll of her forest green eyes. She had her arms wrapped around Dean Winchester's neck as he was carrying her on his back, her legs wrapped around his waist. Sam on the other side with her best friend Grace. They had just hunted down a clan of Vampires that took weeks to find them.

Fine you saved my ass" Dean replied in a low grumble not wanting to admit it, but knew Bette than not to admit it.

"You're welcome" She smiles cheekily before going to press a kiss to his cheek.

"I just want to sleep for ten days" Grace groaned as she trudged her way to the Impala with her eyes half way open, struggling to keep awake.

"Actually that sounds nice" Sam smiled lightly as he looked over at her seeing she definitely could use a good few days of rest. That hunt left them all drained that day.

"Mmmm surprisingly I'm not tired" Allison said in a shockingly cheery tone of voice which made her friend Grace raise a brow over at her.

"You? Not tired? That's a good one" She laughed amused knowing of her friends habits. Let's just say Allison was the queen of naps.

"I can change that" Dean now had a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as Grace soon then made gagging noises.

"Can you please keep your dirty mind to yourself?" She sighed which then turned into a long yawn.

"He has no filter you should know this by now" Allison laughed as she went to rest her chin onto Deans shoulder. She was a little tired and sleep did sound good to her now, but for some odd reason she just wasn't full on tired.

They were all now in the Impala. Grace now passed out in the back seat along with Allison (who said she wasn't tired, but go figure). The four had a long history together. Grace has moved from London and ended up staying with her best friend Allison in college. Though that's when Grace has stumbled into Sam Winchester. That's how things started. Now a few years later they were hunting demons, vampires, werewolves. Allison loved it even though she knew that Grace wanted to stay back in college and get a degree in something normal. There was no going back now.

"Ally? Allison...oh who am I kidding she's not waking up any time soon" Dean said with a small sigh before going to pick up Allison out from the back seat bridal style once they had made it back to the bunker. Sam doing the same with Grace.

"Home sweet Home" Sam breathed out slowly once they made it inside of the bunker. Both the girls still sleeping. Allison's snoring was the only thing that made the bunker not so quiet.

They had brought both of the girls to bed and had the bunker to themselves for the rest of the night.

"You should get some sleep" Dean walked over into the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer from the fridge.

"So should you, but you won't" Sam chuckled knowing his older brother well enough. He had caught the beer Dean had tossed him before he made his way to sit over at the kitchen table. His hand soon then rubbing over his face.

It was well past midnight and Allison turned over onto her side as she heard a strange noise from outside. She tossed to her other side again when the noise wouldn't shut up and let her sleep "Really!" She exclaimed aggravated as she went to sit up in bed. Seeing Dean fast asleep next to her his snoring louder than her own. She went to roll her eyes amused by the fact that he was still sleeping and not hearing the noise that was driving her crazy.

"Of course sleeping beauty doesn't hear it" She grumbled as she made her way out of the bed slowly and tip toed out of the room to find Grace down the hall.

"You hear that to?" Grace asked as she looked over at Allison. They were both dressed I. The clothes they were in earlier and hadn't gotten a chance to change into something comfy to sleep in since they were both basically passed out.

"Yeah we should go check it out" Allison had gone to grab her cellphone and was planning to use the flashlight on it considering it was pitch black outside. Grace now had an uncertain look placed on her face.

"Are you sure? Maybe we should wake up Dean and Sam first" Grace fidgeted with her hands which was a nervous tick she had. Ever since she was little and now she couldn't get rid of it.

"Oh come on we're big girls we can investigate by ourselves" Allison sound to assuring for this as they had no clue what was waiting for them outside. Which made Grace even more anxious than she was before.

The two girls made their way outside bare footed not bothering to put shoes on before they left. To be fair putting on shoes wasn't on their minds. The only thing being on their minds was finding out what was making that strange noise.

"Hu it stopped" Allison sighed as she stopped in her tracks. Grace bumping into her from behind.

"Must of been a car or something" Grace retorted trying to come up with an explanation. Allison only rolled her eyes and looked back at her.

"Yeah okay, what kind of car makes that kind of noise?" She asked with a raised brow as Grace couldn't find an answer.

"Exactly" A grin formed onto Allison's lips as she turned and continued to walk where she knew the noise they both have heard was "now let's go"

Grace blew a piece of her blonde hair out from in front of her face as she reluctantly followed her friend not wanting to be left behind in the middle of the woods. Even though she could easily make her way back to the bunker.

After about an hour of searching, they found themselves standing in front of a blue police box which had crashed into a tree. This made both Grace and Allison exchange looks of confusion.

"A police box" Grace spoke up her curiosity now growing wanting to know what was inside.

"Oh my God what if it's Aliens!" Allison exclaimed as she jumped up and down excitedly while holding onto Graces arm.

"Are you really jumping up and down like a five year old about it possibly being aliens?" Grace asked as she looked over at Allison who stopped and was now back onto her feet.

"Oh come on I mean this has to be Alien related" 

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