When They First Met (CH.1)

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Years ago, On Planet Gemlis, lived a King and Queen named King Stargem and Queen Crystalight.
Before it was peaceful on their planet, there was a war that erupted between the Humans and the Gemlisians.
The humans wanted to take the Gemlisians power for their own and if they were not going to give them up peacefully they resorted to a war.
The war lasted for ages until the Gemlisians emerged victorious.
Since then there has always been a rule that must always be followed.
"No Gemlisian is allowed to bring a human onto their planet or have any contact with a human or they will be sentenced to death"
This rule has always been followed for ages until one fateful night when the King and Queens youngest daughter had left Planet Gemlis in secret to live amongst the humans. Who is this daughter you may ask? Well her name is-

Crystalight: "Crystar!, Where are the cloths?
"In the bathroom cabinets"
Stargem: "Crystar! Where are your siblings?"
"In their rooms getting ready for bed, like always."
Pyrelight: "Cryst, where's my brush?"
"'sigh' In the bathroom, in the second cabinet like it always is."
Pyrelight: "Thanks sis!"

Hi My Name is Crystar, Im a Gemlisian that was born with two maw like bangs instead of one, two gem stars, one embedded into my skull, the other my heart and, I was born without my wings, somehow, I can fly with my bangs and have multiple different abilities, one of them being able to know where anyone and anything is which my family takes advantage of. Don't get me wrong I love them to death but they constantly ask where things are and everytime they go out on missions they leave me behind, saying "I'm not ready enough to fight" when I am! I've been practicing with the Soul Gem Star Daggers my grandmother gave to me a long time ago. Heck, even my pet dog Welshi thinks I'm ready but they don't listen. Well I've had enough! I'm going to head out to the human world and live with a human that is hopefully accepting that I'm a Gemlisian. Yes I may be breaking the most important rule but honestly, Me and Welshi could care less.

:10:34pm: Crystar's POV:

I have everything packed, clothing, plushies, Daggers,- basically everything in my room and some food for me and Welshi now just have to get to my ship (yes I have a ship and I know how to pilot it)

I tiptoed out of my room with our stuff and Welshi so we wouldn't wake anyone up. We quietly made it into my ship: Starstruck Rocket, put our stuff in a safe place buckled in and put in Earth's coordinates.

"Alrighty Welshi, we're off to Planet Earth!"

It didn't take much long but we arrived on Earth's surface in a secluded forest and turned off the ship. Once we did we got out stuff, hopped out of the ship and pressed a button that packed the ship to make it look like a suitcase. Once we did we head off into a path that led to a light brownish house. I went to the side and knocked on the window and a small girl that was a bit taller than me went up to it.

:11:05pm: Twists POV:

I was watching the SpongeBob Movie in my room when something knocked on my window. Curiously, I went up to it and opened it. When I did I saw what looked like a young Gemlisian and her dog. After a bit of staring she spoke.

Crystar: "Uh... Hi... My name is Crystar and this is my dog Welshi. We left my planet to come here and live amongst the humans. We promise that we are not here to bring harm upon any of your kind."

Now if I were someone else I would have attempted to kill them but my family and I have been hoping to be friends with the Gemlisians for awhile but because of the flipping rule preventing us from doing so. Well I think it's time for a change.

"Sure! You can stay here, my family and I have been wanting to be friends with Gemlisians for a long time and we thing it's time for a change"

Crystar: "R-really we can stay? Thank you!, I didn't think that anyone would let us stay because of that rule preventing that."

"It's alright, besides I hate that we have to be separated because of a silly rule!"

:11:17 No ones POV:
After helping her and Welshi settle in, Twist introduced her family to Crystar and Crystar introduced herself to them. Crystar also had told them about her family and that how she is the King and Queens youngest daughter out of her 5 siblings. After introductions, they gave Crystar Spaghetti to eat for dinner. After that they all got ready for bed. Before falling asleep, Crystar smiled at the thought of the possibility that Gemlisians and Humans will finally get along again. And finally, she drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
Hey! Author here. So this my attempt at a new story and as it progresses it will show how they grow up together through the years. Next chapter will be five years from Ch.1. And yes they are the same age, like in this chapter they are 6 so next they will be 11 and starting 1st grade. Anyways that's all I wanted to share and I will see you all next chapter! -ChocoPom

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