FaLlInG fOr GaMzEe?!

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I awake to the heaviness of a body sitting on top of me. I groan when I hear my friends voice," Tasha you need to get the fuck up or you'll be late for school again. Honk!" Pushing him off of me I quickly grab some clothes," Gamzee it's 6 a.m.!! Why did you wake me up so early?!" Using that adorable smile he says," Well I mother fucking know it takes you a fucking hour to get dressed." Laughing I respond," I guess you're right about that." As I begin to change shirts I notice he is staring at me," Gamz get out, I need to change!" Smirking he says," It's not like I've never seen it before." I sneer remembering that night.


" Gamzee please I know not to mess with you now!!" Growling he says," I'll make sure you never mother fucking forget too." He then slides a knife across my bare chest and I just know it'll leave a scar. Pleading I scream,"Gamz please don't!! Please just go eat a pie or five." Looking at me I can tell the sanity is slowly coming back to him but it doesn't come fast enough. It's too late.

End of Flashback

I shiver at the memory, ever since then he's always carried sopor slime with him when he is with me. He notices my uncomfort and hugs me," Tash I'm so fucking sorry I didn't mean to bring up that memory. Sometimes I still can't fucking control the insanity, no matter how much slime I fucking eat." Sighing I look at him with a weary smile," It's okay Gamz but can you please get out while I change clothes?" Nodding he walks out of my room. I quickly change clothes and rush downstairs into his car," Drive I only have five minutes left!!"

He must have broken about five laws trying to get me to school on time but it didn't work, I was still ten minutes late. The principal is going to suspend me, or worse I'll get expelled. 

As I walk into the office to sign in the principal calls me into his office.  

As I enter the small office I take in my surroundings. The large desk, the little area specially designed for me, all of the random things I carved into that desk, and then I notice Mr. Casio. My father's number is probably on that man's speed dial. " Tasha have a seat, we need to have a little chat," he says in his booming voice. As I sit down he continues speaking," Tasha you have been suspended three times in the past month, had TOR at least twice a week, detention everyday, and seem to be tardy everyday also. Do you know what problem this will cause you today?" I shrug and respond,"That I have to see your face for an extra two hours after school?" He then stands up and begins pacing in front of me,"No, I have spoken to the super intendant and he believes this school does not need a student like you. He has advised that I expel you today." My jaw drops," You must be kidding me! I am the smartest student here and have won every award possible for this school! You can't do this!" Mr. Cashio looks at me,"Tasha you have brought this upon yourself, now please exit the grounds of this school immediately." Sighing I walk out of the school and call up my friend Sollux. " Hey Sol I need you to pick me up from school right now." Curiously he asks," Why, were you late again? Dammit I told Gamthee to get you there on time!" Laughing I say," Don't blame Gamz, he must have broken five laws trying to get me to school." Sighing Sollux replies," Fine I'll be there in a minute."  

Going to the Hive 

Sollux of course wanted to know everything and when I finished talking he didn't seem to enthused. "Tasha why did all of these things happen? It thoundth like it really ith your fault here." I look out of the window of his car," None of that stuff started happening until I met Gamzee. I still don't blame him though." He looked at me through his peripheral vision and asked," Why did it thart when you became friendth?" Sighing I respond," Well when we first started hanging out he wanted to spend every waking moment with me. So often he'd take me out if class or come and help me wreak havoc. Before that I was always the star student."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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