Chapter One

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Wednesday the 22nd


ear diary,

I hate Alianah Copperfield with a passion. I know hate is a strong word as my parents always tell me but still.

With her stupid blonde hair that ends in perfect curls. To her hazel-green eyes that always seem to shine. To how she always smells like fresh lavender.

And her perfect shiny pearly whites that she annoyingly displays in a sickeningly adorable smile that makes the unfortunate occupants of the room feel the need to smile back.

I hate her ability to always be the teachers pet. Always getting perfect answers and score in every single test while I despite working my ass of barely scrape a b+.

Or how she's incredibly sweet and kind even I'm being the opposite. She never yells. Only smiles kindly and acts politely towards everyone.

I hate how she compliments me even when I feel my worst. And how she always attempts to make me feels more positive when I'm having a bad day.

I hate how she's always pretty as a picture in anything she wears. She'll wear even the crappiest of outfits and I'll have to admit she looks really good.

I sincerely despise everything about Alianah Copperfield. Full stop.

But the thing is I kinda love her too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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