Trouble in Paradise

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Chapter 1

    It was late. My shift was finally over and I could rest. Just as my head hit the pillow my Com goes off. "Captain, an An admiral Fenty is requesting to speak with you.” So much for sleep. “Colonel it’s 0200 and I just laid down.” I sit up knowing that I have to get up anyway. “My apologies Captain but she insists that it's urgent.” Begrudgingly I get up and make my way over to my desk. “Very well, send her to my deskcom.” Pulling my chair out, I plop in my seat. “Sorry sir she's requesting to see you in person” With my elbows resting on my desk, I facepalm and let out a small sigh before answering. “My office in ten”

I get up from my desk and walk over to my dresser grab my uniform and quickly put it on. Making my way to the turbolift I run into the station's doctor, Dr. Ryan. “Captain I thought you were turning in for the night?”  Walking in and grabbing onto the rail, I tell the computer to take me to Ops. “Yeah me too, until Admiral Fenty decided to show up” Disdain in my tone clear. Dr. Ryan turns to me wide-eyed. “What did you do!?” I shoot her I pointed look. “I mean, what did you do... sir?” I smile at her remark and change in tone too tired to pester her about her bearing.

“Nothing I've been a good noodle all year.” Dr. Ryan knits her eyebrows in confusion. “Good noodle sir” I let out a small chuckle. “Nevermind doctor, it’s an old Earth saying.” The turbolift stops at Ops and I bid my farewell from the doctor,  making my way to my office. Colonel NaNa looks up from her console and our eyes meet before I enter. “Admiral Fenty, what brings you to DS9?” Shaking her hand and I gesture for her to have a seat before taking one of myself. “You.” Her one ominous word made all the hair on my neck stand up. “Sir?” Before she answers, she entangles  her fingers together in her lap. 

“The Breen have been lurking around the Macs47 Galaxy” Perplexed, I raise an eyebrow. “All right, what of it?” Feeling a little nervous, I straighten my uniform in a futile attempt to ease the sensation. “They are patrolling in the Mayan sector 5.2 light-years from Sh’ReiKech. Her words from put the fear of the Great Omnipotents in me. “Why was I not informed sooner? I should have a convoy keep an eye on them. I should be do-” Before I could finish she cuts me off. “They have been patrolling for about two months now and only made it to the Mayan sector hours ago.” Explains why I had to miss out on getting some sleep. I stand up to pace my office and to think for a beat. 

“Why are they here in the first place?” Admiral Fenty stands up and crosses her hands behind her back. “Right now, we're not sure. We intercepted a transmission detailing coordinates to that sector.” I halted in my place and made an about-face so I'm facing the Admiral. “I pride myself on having little to no enemies, so to hear that the Breen, of all people, decide to patrol practically down the street from my Planet? Well to be frank Admiral, it makes me more than a little angry.”

 The Admiral looks at me with sympathy in her eyes, walks over to me, and grabs my hands. “As a friend, I understand how you feel. If they get anywhere close to Sh’ReiKech, you’ll be the first to know.” “I'm requesting two weeks leave.” Admiral Fenty looks at me in the eyes. “Sa’avvi…” We stand the silence for what seems like an eternity. The Admiral let's go of my hands before she granting me my leave. “Thank you Admiral. Knowing they are that close, there is no way I can stay here and not check up on my people.” I place one hand on my hip and the other on my forehead.

 “Completely understandable. When the occupation was going on, I was on a two-year mission in the gamma quadrant. Every week a new list of Fallen was posted. I lost my brother and he lost his husband”  Now it was my turn to look at her with sympathy dwelling in my eyes. “Robin…” Wiping a single tear from her cheek, she pulled herself together. “Go. Make sure your people are safe before I change my mind.” I embrace her in a tight hug and thanked her profusely.

     “If you weren’t a ruler of an entire planet you wouldn't be going. I allow a bellowing laugh to escape my lips. “If I had a bar of latinum for every time I heard that, I would be too rich for the Federation.” We both laugh this time, leaving a small smile on our lips. “I better get going, it’ll be a long way from the Alpha quadrant.” We both head out of my office and into Ops, the automatic doors closing behind us.  

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