Chapter One - A Mysterious Enemy

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In the Far Side of Atmos, I.J. Domiwick and a group of explorers conduct an expedition into an ancient temple. As they explore the temple, they are greeted by a statue of what appeared to be a dark God. 

Male Explorer: What is that?

Domiwick walked to the statue and translated the hieroglyphs to a single name.

Domiwick: Aolroth. It reads Aolroth.

Female Explorer: Aolroth? 

Domiwick: A God of Darkness worshiped by a cult in ancient times. They say that it was Aolroth that created the storms that occur on Terra Cyclonia, but that's just a legend.

Male Explorer: Talk about spine chilling!

Domiwick: Cut the chatter! Let's see what this temple has to offer!

Domiwick leads the group of explorers deeper into the temple. They see hieroglyphics depicting Aoroth. Eventually, they reach a citadel where they see a doorway surrounded by a series of slots that are shaped like crystals. Domiwick then sees hieroglyphics above the doorway and reads it.

Domiwick: "In the end, all roads lead back to Darkness."

As he says that, a blinding light suddenly appears in front of the doorway. Domiwick and the rest of the explorers are blinded the light. Once the light dissipates, Domiwick sees a hooded figure with a small creature on his shoulder.

Male Explorer: Hey! Where did you come from?!

The hooded figure then pulls out Twin Energy Blades that glowed crimson red and he begins slaughtering the explorers without hesitation. Domiwick begins to run off, but the creature jumps off of the stranger's shoulder and attacks Domiwick by scratching him. When the figure finishes killing the explorers, he calls out to the creature.

???: Stop. Let him live.

The creature stops as Domiwick is frozen in fear as the stranger grabs Domiwick by the throat and holds on of his Twin Energy Blades to his throat. 

???: I.J. Domiwick. I see you're still the same sniveling little coward who cares nothing but fame and fortune.

Domiwick is confused and frightened by the stranger's words. He never met this figure before in his life, yet the stranger was talking to him as if they had met before. 

???: I should kill you right now. It would be so satisfying.

But as Domiwick recoiled in fear, the stranger dropped him to the ground.

???: But I have plans for you. Run. That's what you're good at.

Without hesitation, Domiwick got up and started running. Once he left the temple, mist appeared and formed in the shape of Aolroth.

Aolroth: Well done Dark Aerrow. Our plan is now in motion. 

Dark Aerrow: It felt good killing again. It's been far too long.

Aolroth: Your blood lust will be satisfied. But now you must find the crystals. They are the key to my release. 

Dark Aerrow: It will be done. Let's go Radarr.

The Dark Radarr chirped as they left the temple. The Dark Aerrow kept his hood as to keep his identity a secret. In the throne room of the Cyclonian Empire, Dark Ace speaks with Master Cyclonis as she sits on her throne. 

Dark Ace: Master Cyclonis.

Master Cyclonis: What is it Dark Ace? 

Dark Ace: We have a......guest who wishes to see you.

Master Cyclonis nods her approval as a group of Talons lead the hooded Dark Aerrow into the throne room. 

Dark Aerrow: Master.......Cyclonis.....

Master Cyclonis: What do you want? 

Dark Aerrow: You want to get rid of the Sky Knights don't you? To rid yourself of the Storm Hawks?

Hearing that caught Cyclonis's attention. The Storm Hawks had been a thorn in her side for too long. 

Master Cyclonis: So many others like you have promised me this. And none have delivered. What makes you any different?

Dark Aerrow: Because I know them. I know them more than anyone. 

Dark Ace: Why don't you show us your face? 

The Dark Radarr growled at Dark Ace, but Dark Aerrow calmed him. 

Dark Aerrow: My face is not important. Don't you want the Storm Hawks dead? I can give that to you. All you have to do is help me.

Dark Ace: Enough of this madness! Talons! Kill him!

As the Talons prepared to attack them, the Dark Radarr pulled out a blaster and shot down a Talon while Dark Aerrow pulled out his Twin Energy Blades and cut them down without hesitation. Dark Aerrow then turns to Dark Ace.

Dark Aerrow: It is so tempting to just kill you here an now! How satisfying would it be if I got to kill you once more, Dark Ace!

But before Dark Aerrow and Dark Ace could fight, Master Cyclonis restored order.

Master Cyclonis: That will be enough! Very well stranger, I'm interested. What do you need?

Dark Aerrow: I need crystals. Not just any crystals, I want specific crystals.

Master Cyclonis: And what crystals do you desire?

Dark Aerrow: The Oblivion Crystal, the Windstone Crystal, the Frost Crystal, the Solaris Crystal and the Phoenix Crystal. 

Hearing that greatly interested Master Cyclonis. She was curious to see how these crystals would play a role in destroying the Storm Hawks.

Master Cyclonis: Very well. We have all these crystals except the Phoenix. That is in the hands of the Storm Hawks. 

Dark Aerrow smiles from beneath his hood as he relishes in the opportunity for bloodshed.

Dark Aerrow: I'll take them immediately. 

Master Cyclonis nods to Dark Ace to grab these crystals from her personal collection. Shortly after, Dark Ace returns with the crystals they have. Dark Aerrow looks to the crystals and smiles. 

Master Cyclonis: What do you need with these crystals? How will they destroy the Storm Hawks?

Dark Aerrow: That will remain with me. But know this, not only will the Storm Hawks be destroyed, but all of Atmos will be yours! This I......promise you.

As Dark Aerrow said that, Cyclonis felt something familiar about him. Like as if they met before. Dark Aerrow left the Terra in search for the Storm Hawks and the Phoenix Crystal to advance the plan of Aolroth and bring about total destruction. 

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