💗💚My Crush~Jahking Guillory💗💚

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I'd been eyeing Jahking since freshman year. It's our sophomore year in high school and me and him exchange words from time to time but not much. He so damn fine and that hair of his💦😩. I was knocked out of my thoughts when the bell rung and everyone started to leave. That was the final bell of the day and it was time to go home. I saw Jahking staring at me as I walked out and went home. I saw a note on the refrigerator from my mother saying she was on a business trip. She'll be gone for 2 weeks but her best friend's comin to check on me. I went upstairs and showered then I laid down. I was tired and eventually I dozed off

2 Hours Later

I heard a knock on the door waking me up from an eye ass nap. It kinda pissed me off but it's probably my mamas bsf. I opened the door and saw Jahking and his friends. I was puzzled

Me:wyd here

Jahking:ma told me to come check on u

??:hey Yn

Me:hey Chris

Jahking:she said u had the card for her

Me:*rubs her forehead* shit uhhh yea come in I'm sorry I'm sleepy

We all walked in and it was 4 of us now. I remembered I left the card upstairs in my room

Me:it's up here cmon

Jahking:*follows her*

Chris:lucky ass

??:shut up nigga

We got up there and I let him sit on my bed while I looked for the card. While I looked I heard the boys downstairs say they had to leave. Jahking made sure they locked the door and came back up to my room

Jahking:u got a nice room

Me:thank u

Jahking:*nods* I'm guessing u like pink and grey

Me:yea u can say that

Jahking:I saw u starin at me this morning

Me:u makin me seem like a stalker

Jahking:*laughs* not in that way I don't mind when u look at me I look at u too

Me:but u can never talk to me tho

Jahking:it's not that u look like u might abuse tf outta me

Me:*laughs* if u talk to me ud see what I will and won't do u can't assume things about me Jahking and I thought with u bein as fine as u are ud Kno that *holds out the card* looks can be deceiving I see

Jahking:*grabs it* I'm fine huh

Me: don't get cocky

Jahking: ik im sexy don't front but u fall in my category

Me:nahh I'm above yo category

Jahking:u sure

Me:I'm positive now take the card use the 2 legs God gave u and go cuz I wanna sleep

Jahking:I got 3 legs actually

Me:but u can't walk with that one it's for other uses

Jahking: I can give it to u *gets closer*

Me:*looks up at him* Jahking u don't Kno me

Jahking:since second grade we just didn't always be together

Me:u was a hoe

Jahking:*laughs* tru but I'm older now ima make better choices

Me:good, but that doesn't mean u can give me yo third leg

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