The Bodyguard

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My name's Dave. I've come here to South Korea in search of greener pastures. I've been working as a factory worker here for quite some time now. Two years to be exact. I was mainly in it for the money and not because I love the job. I'm more of a new experience everyday guy as opposed to just mundane, do the same thing every day, kind of person.

With my savings from those two years working as a factory worker, I was able to put up my own business back home and I've left my close cousin to manage it. My cousin and I have been wanting that kind of business for the past decade so I'm sure he'll manage it well.

Now back to me. As I have not really in need of money anymore, I've opted to leave my job in search of something more my style. Basically, what I want is a job where you might experience something new each time you clock in. Say for example a bodyguard. You might think it's another mundane job but if you think about it, it really isn't.

Every place your employer will go to is a new environment. It might be the same place but the things and people around it will be different. I might have just been watching too many movies but a bodyguard certainly is not a mundane job. The chance of something bad happening to your employer will keep you on alert. It may be tiring mentally and physically but it certainly isn't boring.

In my two years of living and working here, it can't be helped that I've had a good dose of Kpop. It is played everywhere. Though that shouldn't come as a surprise because Kpop means Korean popular music. I've come to know that these types of celebrities tend to travel a lot compared to an actor or a tv host and traveling means new places and people and that's just what I want.

I was a bit unfit when I first came here but I had to work on myself to survive in a factory. I have a big and tall body, to begin with, so after months of working out, I now had a good solid body. Just a little bit more of training and I'll be a perfect bodyguard and so that's what I applied for. I applied for the three most well-known Kpop agencies as their artists tend to travel abroad more often than those who aren't that well known.

Out of the three, two replied. Of course, I did my research so I have a vague idea as to why the other one hasn't contacted me. That company probably wasn't interested in my qualifications. A lot of artists from that company speak English. My biggest asset would be that I'm fluent in 3 languages. My native language, English, and Korean. Those assets wouldn't be useful to them. The second one probably has plans to expand overseas but their current idol groups have also at least one member that speaks English. JYPE, the one who replied, is sure to expand Twice overseas as they've already released Japanese versions of their songs. I don't know exactly why they want me as I don't know Japanese.

They hired me in less than a week from my application and seeing as I already know 3 languages, they thought I should have no problem learning another one. There's the reason why they hired me. So, for the first three months of being employed in JYPE, I didn't do any bodyguard duties. Instead, I trained in Krav Maga and learned Japanese. Japanese because that's where they're planning on sending Twice within the year or so.

Those three months came by so quickly as I had so much fun learning new stuff every day. Tomorrow I'll officially start as being a bodyguard and next week I'll be accompanying Twice to Japan for their official Japanese debut. The team leader was kind enough to introduce us as new bodyguards to Twice. Everyone is such a beauty that I automatically thought they'd have bad attitudes off camera. I'm sorry, but every single person I know who is very attractive tends to be a bitch or an asshole when no one is looking. Some don't even care if someone is looking.

Anyway, my first assignment is accompanying Sana and Chaeyoung to MBC. They were guests for the show King of Masked Singers. I enjoy watching that show on my off-time so I was a bit happy that I get to see the show from backstage. My colleagues and I arrived earlier than them as per team leader's orders. Our task was to protect so we had to scope out the area first. Familiarize the place and check the status of the fans. You never know if they will suddenly mob the artists or if there are people who want to hurt them.

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