Before it started

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Luna's Pov:

Hey their people of earth! How you doing? I WAS great until last night. I was tild the worst news ever! I'm going to get married. I know what your thinking. 'Why is getting married the worst news ever?' Wellll, because I'mgetting married to my worst enemy, my best friend's brother, the guy I wish I could kill, the guy who I hate with a passion. This guy has made my life a living hell. The hatred started in 2 grade. When this dumbass decided to hurt me. Worst part is he actually is in EVERY SINGLE CLASS WITH ME!!!! I can't seem to catch a break.... can I. This 'guy' is my worst nightmare. I would rather die slowly and painfully before I would ever like him in anyway. His name?

Ryland Lynch.

Ryland's Pov:

I can't believe this.... I have to get married to my worst enemy. Like TF!!!! I don't even know how this whole hatred thing started. All I remember is saying hi to her in 2 grade. Then from their on she just.... hated me. I've tried ti get her to tell me but all she says is "You know. Idiot" Then walks away. I ask and ask.... but I get nothing. I stopped trying in 6th so know I just 'hate' her. She so annoying though. She always has a nasty comment for me whenever she passes by. She even started a rumor saying that I had feeling for her. WHY WOULD I????? I, With all my heart HATE her. Her name?


















Luna Dean.

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