Chapter Twenty

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I stood at the doorstep of the very house I had ran out of months ago. Alexa told me he was home and so was she. I called her to tell her I was standing in front of the door. I heard her footsteps shortly and the door swung open.

"Ready?" She asked unsure.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I told her, determined not to lose my nerve.

I crossed the threshold and we went into the kitchen where Damien sat quietly.

"Hello Damien" I said as though I strangled the words out of my throat.

"Hello Kerry" he replied simply and gestured at me to take a seat. I sat on the bar stool with the whole length of the kitchen island between us. Alexa took a seat next to me.

"Alexa may have briefed you on the reason for my visit. I came here to politely ask that you do not mention a word of our affair to anyone. If you haven't done so already?"

"I haven't told anyone if that's what you're asking" he replied softly. His blue eyes smiled at me and the familiarity of this almost weakened my resolve to stay mad at him.

"There is also the issue of-" I started to say.

"I don't think she has told anyone either. She needs space from me and even though I can reach her, she probably won't want to speak to me" he interrupted me, knowing where I was heading. Damien always seemed to read my mind and had even sometimes finished off my sentences in the past.

"Damien, I think you owe it to Kerry to at least try" Alexa reminded him sternly.

"I will reach out to her but what I do know is she also knows you are not the sort of person they say you are. You made it pretty clear that you never intended to hurt her"

"Please just talk to her so we are all on the same page" I told him.

"Okay. Kerry, I'm going to do all I can to make it up you. Maybe someday you'll forgive me"

"Yes, maybe someday" I echoed and rose from my seat. I wanted to leave now. Alexa walked me out and the minute I sat in my car I exhaled heavily.

"It's going to be okay" Alexa said soothingly, " Tuesday, I'll be at your dad's place for that video. I'll tell the world especially Aoki to shove it"

"Not in those words, I hope" a small smile crept on my lips.

"I'll try to be nice" she offered.

She waved me goodbye as I drove back to the apartment. I needed to talk to Sumaya and fast.

I got home and found her eating cereal at one o'clock on a Sunday afternoon.

"Did Damien agree to keep his mouth shut?" Sumaya asked.

"Yes, he complied very willingly. He seems sorry"

"He is. It was because of you, he and I became friends. We knew each other but we never hang out in the same social circles. I can tell he is a good guy who made very bad mistake. And because you're my sister, I'm just going to see him as a really bad guy till you forgive him"

"Sumaya" I took a seat by her, she cocked her head in my direction and then noticed how worried I looked.

"What's wrong?"

"Last night, when Dom told us what happened to his mother he became so cold and distant. I could barely recognize him. His eyes were like black ice"

"Kerry, Dom is still hurt by his mother's suicide. He looks that way every time the topic comes up that's why no one mentions her"

"Sumaya, his mum took drugs. She was a cocaine addict. I was an addict once"

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