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Hello! It's Hunter (WriteCrazyForLife) and I've really wanted to write this book for quite a while so I figured - why not now?

However - if you haven't read Hunted yet, I repeat, haven't read it yet, then can you please read it before reading this?

I mean, its okay if you dont want to, it's just that some things here won't make sense, most likely, if you haven't read it. So yeah.

This is going to contain MAJOR spoilers for it, so... I'm just giving you advice.

Now, onto stuff about the actual chapters of the book.

They will NOT be in order. Yes, that's right, for once I'll actually be using TITLES. Woah.


Because I could do (I really hope some of you who haven't read Hunted have gone off this now, because SPOILERS), for instance:

1) Panic Attack

And then realise that I have an idea for something that goes before that, so there won't be numbers. Like, at all. So instead of the example ABOVE it'll just be:

Panic Attack

Yay! Okay, that's sorted now.

As I said, this book won't be in chronological order, which most likely means that you'll read one, then read the next one and it won't make sense.

That's because, you know, its timed differently.

This book WILL come to an end as well, by the way. I won't be continuously be writing Hunted one shots forever, you know.

As another fact, chapters won't be coming out all that quickly either, since I'm working on the sequel to Hunted (Drowning In Oxygen), and then after that the prequel, then I'll most likely be working on my HP fic.

I mean, I've written the entire thing out, I've just realised that I wrote it quite a few months ago and my writing has got better.

Along with DIO, I've also got to finish the freaking 30 Day Challenge that I started in... April? May?

I know.

Yeah, so chapters won't be frequent, but they'll be THERE. Okay?

And since that's all, I guess I'll be going now.


- WriteCrazyForLife

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