8 hours

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'Yes' thought James that morning after he had opened his electronic class register. 'No Maths today! Is there anything better in this world?'. Then, he finished eating his breakfast, took a quick shower and finally left the house. While he was walking his daily way to the bus stop, he heard some strange noise behind him. In less than no time, the boy turned around, but there was nothing or nobody on the road. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking, when his friend - Juan appeared on the other side of the sidewalk. James was one year older than his spanish companion, however, it has never bothered them. They have known each other for more than 10 years and in age of 15 and 14 it's quite long.

- What's up dude? Did you do our Maths homework?

- Are you kiddin'? Of course I didn't.

- If I were you, I would do this. It was really hard. Generally this whole section is quite difficult, isn't it?

- Yup, but I must be a diviner, cause I decided not to do all those complicated equations and today our last lesson is called off.

- Damn, I spent more than 2 hours working on this and it will come to nothing.

About 10 minutes later boys arrived at the bus stop and if they'd stopped walking for a moment, they woulda been late. In the vehicle teens didn't talk - they were too busy with their phones.

6,5 hours

First lesson was like every first lesson ever- dull 'cause everybody was too sleepy to pay attention. Fortunately, after around 50 minutes the bell rang and students were allowed to go for a break. Everything was as usual apart from one thing. Or maybe not exactly a thing, cause it was a man. He was sitting in his black minivan. His head was hidden under a scarf and a hat, so it was impossible to see his face. Nobody seemed to notice him, but he was there observing in silence.

- Finally! I was really thinking that this useless lesson will last forever... - said bored Juan. His spanish accent was well audible, which sometimes caused misunderstandings. – Listen, I wanted to tell you something before, but I forgot. So – do you know that your GIRLFRIEND sent a couple of her almost naked pictures to some guy and now the whole school has these photos?

James stopped violently.

- What are you talking about? Rose would never do this – but in his mind a proverbial light bulb turned on. – She wouldn't dare, she is way too shy to do something like this.

- If you really don't believe me, look – said the younger boy and gave his phone to his friend.

Obviously, what James saw didn't make him happy at all, as it did other people. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He felt really deceived and in a fraction of a second he turned around and started running. In the middle of the corridor he looked over his shoulder and shouted ironically: "Thanks mate, that was definitely the best thing you could have told me today!" Juan didn't even try to follow furious friend, because he knew, It wouldn't help anyway. Therefore, he just sat on the bench in front of the class and started to study English for a test.

5,5 hours

After a long argument with Rose and composing himself, James decided it would be totally pointless to stay at school. However, he felt remorse and he wanted to apologize his best friend. Unfortunately he couldn't find him anywhere so he gave up and left school. The bus was supposed to arrive in a few minutes, but James wasn't in hurry. He had a bit more than five hours before his school lessons would end. His mum caught a flu and stayed home, so he couldn't come back. After an hour the boy was sitting in one of the most popular coffeehouses in the town drinking white hot chocolate with caramel. He was having great time despite being alone, when again he felt something strange. As if someone was watching. In a way it was normal – young man sitting alone in a café, while he should be at school, but the feeling was so strong that he looked around. There was nothing worth keeping a very close eye on, but that uncomfortable impression didn't disappear. James decided that if it doesn't stop within 5 minutes, he will walk out, if it does – he will stay. He didn't last even this short time, because he felt really unwell, like a hunted down animal. After consideration of all the pros and cons he made up his mind that the best thing to do was to go home, so in three minutes he was walking to a bus stop.

4 hours

'Nobody understands me!' – shouted James angrily while slamming the front door. His anger came from an argument he had with his mother. Everything began when his mum woke up and saw him at home. 'Why are you here? Today your classes end at quarter to three' – she said. Then the boy tried to explain what happened, but he could talk to the wall with the same result. He knew, that he has never been so angry. Firstly that issue with Rose, then he argued with Juan and finally with his mother. But the worst thing was that he also knew, he overreacted. There was only one person he could ask for help in this situation. Without thinking, James took the right course and went away.

3,5 hours

Although the day was short yet, he was really tired. So it wasn't a surprise that when he entered his aunt's house he went straight to the bedroom and fell asleep. Unfortunately it wasn't given him to sleep as long as he would like to. After 3 hours, his mother's sister woke him up and told that his mum called a minute ago and he had to come back home as soon as possible. Teenager asked if aunt turned him out, but she said that he should listen to what his parents tell him and carry out their instructions.

30 minutes

Red with fury James was going home imitating his aunt's words: "You have to listen what your parents tell to you. 'I would rather die than do what they command me.' He kicked a snowball lying on the ground and he literally froze. Again he felt that terrible feeling. He wrapped up himself with his scarf and kept walking. He would be able to believe, that it all was only in his imagination, if it hadn't been for what happened next. He heard somebody grunted right behind him. He looked over his left shoulder and opened his eyes widely. The man was over two meters tall, but the most scary was his face where every normal person has lips, nose, eyebrows and ears. This creature hadn't got any of these. There were only two big, black eyes. The eyesight was hypnotizing and James wasn't able to move, but when he noticed that two enormously long arms were entwining his body, the enchantment broke and he could move his legs again. He started running home immediately, but the monster came after him. James almost felt the touch of those worm­­-shaped arms though he was running faster than ever before. The boy was scared and he instantly forgot about all his stupid problems. When the creature was one meter behind him, he came up with an idea. He didn't know if it would work or not, but it was his only chance. When one of the arms touched his neck he stopped and changed direction. The monster was a bit confused and it gave James the necessary seconds to hide in the old tenement house.

5 minutes

In silence he walked up on the second floor and looked out from the window. To his surprise the large monster was still outside. 'Maybe he gave up?' – thought James. Then he came up with another idea. He kneeled and said " Our Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it's in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive these trespass against us, and lead us into temptation, but deliver us from Hell. Amen." After a second he added: "And God, if you exist and let me stay alive, I would be a really polite and calm teenager. I would apologize to everyone..."

0 minutes

He didn't end, because like a bolt from a blue the monster appeared in the window and while his long arms were taking James who was too astonished and exhausted to resist said: 'You won't have a chance, cause for you, there will be no tomorrow' and took James into his kingdom of nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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