The First day

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Aichi, a small blue haired boy, hurried over to his first class while glancing around at his surroundings.


Aichi stopped abruptly and looked up at the person who called his name, realizing it was Kai.

"K-kai-kun I-I-"

Aichi stuttered, barely able to get a single word out of his mouth. Kai glanced at Aichi sternly.

"Is there a problem?"

Aichi shook his head, looking away shamefully. A pang of guilt hit Kai, and the brunette immediately felt bad.

"I can't say sorry. What if it makes him feel guilty? Or he might think something else of me..." Kai thought.

When Kai finally had something to say, he turned around to see that Aichi was gone.

*In the classroom*

"Everyone please be quiet!"

The whole room went dead silent.

"As you can see we have a new student who will be joining us for this year..."

The class started whispering and looking at Aichi, making rude remarks about blue haired boy.


The teacher slapped a ruler on a students desk. Aichi winced at the noise.

"As I was saying... I would like to introduce our new student, would you stand up and tell us your name dear?"

The teacher kindly looked at Aichi, smiling as if she was never angry at the class. Aichi awkwardly stood up, looking around nervously at his classmates.

"H-hi, my name is Sendou Aichi. I-it's a pleasure to meet you all..."

The blue haired boy blushed madly, frantically searching the class for any sort of sympathy towards him.

Snickering spread throughout the room like a wildfire, only to be stopped by the clearing of a teachers throat.

"Welcome to Hitsue Aichi, I'm sure that your classmates will offer to give you a tour of this place."

The teacher gave everyone a glare. Aichi sat down, blushing intensely as he quickly hid his face from view.

"I-I shouldn't have done that! I have to learn to stop embarrassing myself like that!"

(Part two will be coming soon. I apologize for this being to short.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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