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Hello fellow contestshippers!

This is my first songfic, so please please comment and vote! Please tell me if you like the song I chose, so that I will choose future songs better. Please also check out my other fanfic, A Fairytale In Johto! By the way, everything in this songfic will be in May's perspective, since Drew can't sing. (Wink wink)

(A/N: This scene is after Now That's Flower Power, when May hasn't really fallen hard for Drew yet, but she still loves him... a little. Their love will increase in the future chapters.)

May was mad. Really, really mad. Furious. Yes, she knew that she needed more practice, but that blasted green-haired idiot who she barely knew and barely knew her just had to come along. Trash-talking her like a pro, pointing out her faults, humiliating her, calling her an ass... May couldn't stand it. That high-and-mighty jerk thought he was so much better than her, that she was nothing but a speck of dirt on the ground to be stepped on by that seaweed-headed coordinator. Hmm, Seaweed Head. Nice name for that moron.

Grabbing her guitar, May closed her bedroom door, locked it, and began to strum.

You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me

You, have knocked me off my feet again

Got me feeling like I'm nothing

May could relate to that. "You're pathetic. You're a waste of my time." Man, May wanted so badly to punch the smug condescending smirk off the seaweed-haired moron's stuck-up face. She kept strumming.

You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded

You, picking on the weaker man

Well, if May was considered weak next to Drew, then that line was true. Except that she wasn't. She was going to beat Drew in a contest battle and snatch the beautiful ribbon out of high-and-mighty Drew's hands!

Well you can take me down

With just one single blow

But you don't know what you don't know

"Yup, he doesn't know. I've got some tricks up my sleeve too. He's going to be so surprised, he'll regret that he ever treated me like dirt," May grinned.

Some day, I'll be

Livin' in a big ol' city

And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Some day, I'll be

Big enough so you can't hit me

And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

May kept strumming, her strums getting more and more vigorous. "Why does he have to pick on me? Why me and me alone? Why not Ash or Max or Brock? Why just me? What is it that I have that makes me different from them?" May wondered. She felt a tugging sensation at her heart. She felt weird. She didn't know then, but this was the start of her love for Drew. (Wink wink)

You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation

You have pointed out my flaws again

As if I don't already see them

Tick, tick. Check check. May did a mental calculation. If this was a survey form of Drew, all the boxes next to every line of lyrics so far would be ticked. The green-haired idiot was on his way to a hundred points for the survey. Well done, Mr Drew. May kept strumming, her heart filled with anger against that coordinator who had made fun of her and basically, humiliated her in front of her friends and pokemon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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