Oh shit

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"Scarlet, dinners almost ready come set the table." Mum shouts from inside the kitchen.

"I can't, I'm on my period." I yell back from inside my room

So it's 4.26pm on a Sunday and before you say anything, I am well aware that we the Rides family have dinner early. So you can shush your judging thought. Anyway I'm currently sitting on my bed reading a watt pad book, well re-reading a book anyway.

"SCARLET, TABLE NOW!" Mum shouts storming into my room grabbing my iPad out of my hands. Completely ignoring my earlier comment.

Okay pause. Right now you're probably thinking my mum is a butt but she's actually a really nice human being.

"Mum! You can't do that! please let me finish my chapter!" I beg doing the puppy dog eyes I have perfected over the years of never getting what I want. And I know I'm probably sounding like a brat right now but it's not like I ask for much all I ask for is a happy meal from Mc Donald's at least once a month and that I get to read my watt-pad books in peace and for the latest iPhone and for spider-man comic books and for new fairy lights for my bedroom and for that beautiful dark blue summer dress in forever 21. Okay, okay maybe I do ask for a lot but that's not the point, the point is.. the point is.. What was I saying again? Oh yeah right the point is that i-

"I can do whatever I want with the iPad, I did buy it after all" she said putting an emphasis of the 'I' and snapping my out of my thoughts.

"BUT plea-" I try before she interrupts me.

"TABLE NOW" she yells and storms out of my room.. With the iPad. Don't worry iPad you will be okay.
Okay scratch that, my mum is not a nice human being! I REPEAT NOT A NICE BEING!


"Cominngggg" I groan as I get up from my bed and slowly walk to the dining room to set the table. I guess I haven't perfected the puppy dog eyes after all.

After eating dinner which consisted of sloppy mac and cheese and finally convincing mum to give me back my iPad it's 6.30pm and big brother doesn't start till 9.00pm so I decide to go for a run. And before I go any further you should be jumping up and down on your sofas cheering my name because I Scarlet Rides never and when I say never I mean NEVER go for runs or do any sort of exercise out of free will. But saying that I still seem to remain slim well sort of I guess. I mean all my fat seems to go to my now fat ass but hey, I ain't complaining. Boys loveeeee da booty, but since I have no love life what so ever I guess my booty is so big nobody can handled it. Hehe I'm too funny. So what possessed me to go for a run? Who knows? No really, anyone? But before I knew I was walking out the door and putting a lease on Jackson. And before anyone questions me for abuse, Jackson is my black pug. Reason for getting a pug? They're slow so running with them is a breeze. For the first 5 minutes. Looking around I notice that no ones even in the park which is a good thing trust me. I don't want no boys seeing me while I sweat up a storm. Especially when I'm new to the neighbourhood and my first day at my new school is tomorrow. Plugging headphones into my iPod I being the painful run around the park, striving achieve at least 4 laps. The park isn't that big so I should be okay. Well we can only hope.

Riptide comes on and I squeal, as it's my favourite song. Taking advantage of the empty park I sing as loud as my lungs with let me and start doing random hand gestures while running trying to match my actions to the lyrics. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and they come unstuck" I stop and do a star jump to symbolise my legs coming unstuck. Little did I know someone was running extremely close behind me and stopping to jump suddenly made the person run directly into me causing both me and the stranger to fall over. Before we go any further I should probably mention that this park isn't a normal flat park, noooooo it has a massive hole in the middle where a football oval has been placed. I was currently on the outside of the hole where the footpath was, but let me tell you I wasn't there for long as when this person bashed he ended up pushing me to the edge of the hole where I quickly started rolling down into the hole, not before I pulled this person with me however. Because this was soley this persons fault and If I was going down. They sure as hell where coming down with me. Quite literally might I add. Little did I know pulling down the person would cause them to latch onto me causing us to roll over each other until we reached the bottom. They ended on top. They were a boy. A very attractive boy with dark tan skin, brown hair and green brown eyes with an impressive build. He was shirtless. He was a shirtless, attractive boy, on top of me. I smiled, I should go running more often.

"Um lady" the boy said with a confused expression on his face. "Why are you smiling?"
"Because you my friend are a shirtless, extremely attractive guy, who happens to be on top of me." I say with a even bigger smile on my face.
"Okay" he says bitting a smile and making no attempt to get off me. But hey, I wasn't complaining. "Um"
"I think was should kiss" I smile a cheeky smile.
"What?" He says with a astonished face.
"I'm Scarlett"
"Well , since where so close and person, why did you bash into me"
" I didn't you just randomly stop in the middle of the path and did a random star jump." He says getting a bit annoyed.
"You shouldn't have been running so close to me than." I say, annoyed at the little prick
"You shouldn't have pulled me down with you!."
"You shouldn't have bashed into me!"
" Scarlett!" He yelled glaring at me.
"Person!" I yelled louder, matching his glare.
"You're cute when you're angry." He said catching me off guard.
"You heard me" he said giving me what looks like a typical bad boy grin.
"Are we gonna kiss?" I ask again bitting my bottom lip hoping it would lure him in. At least that's what I've learnt from the movies. And I think it worked because before I knew it he was leaning forward, not that he had far to lean since he was already inches from my face as he was onto of me. As his soft plum lips brushed mine I was caught off guard at how good they felt. Putting his hands on either side of my head he kissed me slowly. And I responded immediately. Wrapping my arms around his neck so there was no space between us.

"Lady," I felt someone shaking my shoulders. What? "Lady!" Opening my eyes I realised I had been dreaming. And what a good dream it was.
"What happened?" I ask the real life version of shirtless boy from my dream who was currently by my side.
"Um." He said scratching his head as if he were embrass to say what he was about to say. "Well, we rolled down the hill andilandedontooofyou, and then you looked at me and fell asleep." He said the middle part so fast I could barley catch what he was saying? Wait. Did he just say I fell asleep?!?
"Yeah I did." I said that out loud.. "Yeah"
"Oh gosh, I'm such a dork." He laughed a deep laugh that sent shivers down my spine. "So we didn't kiss?" I ask disappointed.
"Nothing! I said nothing!" "Hey mister, just wondering i didn't do anything strange when I was dreaming did it?" I asked fiddling with my fingers not meeting his eyes.
"Um, no" he responded curiously.
"Goooooood. Good."
Looking around my surrounds I try to think of something to say to fell the awkward silence that has surrounded us. But he beats me to it.
"You should probably get up." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me up, sending tingles shooting through my arm. "And my names Jesse"
"Scarlett" I smile and he smiles back. Hm Jesse, doesn't really go with Scarlett but haters will just have to get use to it. "MY DOG!" I suddenly yell looking around frantically. "WHERE'S MY DOG!?!."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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