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     Down and Down, I fell. I didn't know when I would stop, I could barely see my surroundings. Such small light of the sun faded the deeper I went, until eventually, I was falling in eternal darkness until eventually I would hit the ground, dead. "Elise....Elise...." Was someone calling my name? "ELISE!!" I looked up from my notebook to see my math teacher, Mr. Edwards standing in the front of the room. His hazel eyes narrowed at me in anger. "Um..Yes?" I said, quickly shutting my notebook. "I have been calling your name for the past five minutes" He said looking back at the blackboard. "Well you have my attention now" I mumbled. "Just answer the question on the board" Mr. Edwards said checking his watch. An equation was written on the board, it was a pretty simple one. "5x-9n" I answered. "Good, now let's continue with the next problem before you are all dismissed from school" He said turning his back to write an equation on the board.

I turned to my friend, Alex, who sat next to me and whispered, "Was he really calling me for 5 minutes?" He glanced at Mr. Edwards and looked back at me and nodded, "When the old man wants someone attention, he will do whatever it takes" I giggled and replied. "Well, what are you planning on going this summer?" He shut his book and whispered back, "I plan on going to NYC with my family and touring some collages. What does the famous Ms. Author plan on doing?" I slightly rolled my eyes and said, "Come on Alex, it was one book plus it's not that famous . I guess I plan on writing more, anyways. Maybe me and my dad might go camping." Alex looked confused for a moment than said, "I thought you were gonna be with your mother for the summer?" I lightly shook my head, "No, I guess I finally had the choice and I really don't want to spend the whole summer getting judged by her" A smile came on Alex's face, "I'm so glad! All the drama is finally over with and you can be happy" I looked down at the ground then smiled. "You, really think so?" I asked. "I know so" Alex said. Before another word the bell started ringing and people started leaving their seats. "Class is dismissed, have a good summer" Mr. Edwards said erasing the board. I packed my books in my bag and started heading towards the door.

I made my way through the crowded hallways to finally make it to my locker. I opened the lock and looked at the mirror I put in at the beginning of the year. My name is Elise Skylar, I'm 17 and in my 11th year of school. I have little friends, but my best friend is Alex. I guess you could say me and him been through a lot and he's the only one who gets me. I wasn't really a person who wanted attention, i guess I just went by the whole year staying in the shadows. The locker next to mine slammed shut, forcing me to snap back into reality. I packed up everything I had and headed towards the door where Alex usually waited for me. I stared at the ground as I headed that way, hoping not to cause a scene. Once I made it to where Alex was standing we both went out the door. "Well, I'll see you when its our last year of school" Alex said giving me a hug. I smile and nodded. I headed to my father's car, which was a black cadillac. I threw my bag in the backseat and sat in the front.

  "So, how was your last day?" He said. "I guess it was okay, nothing really happened" I replied while messing with the radio. "Well, we have plans for summer, and I also need to check in with the divorce lawyer in a couple of weeks"My Father said still looking at the road. "Well, it'll be a good summer, and we won't have to worry about her" My Father continued. I slightly nodded and stared at the window. I guess you could say it has always been my father and me. My mother mostly went to clubs, or 'friends' houses. While my father worked two jobs and still made sure to take care of me. My mother isn't the friendly type, instead judges my sexuality, and everything about me. I guess you could say, I'm more than happy about this divorce. I stared back at my father and smiled. "Thanks Dad, and I know it will be a great summer" I silently looked back at the window watching the deep forest go by.  Faster and faster, the trees went by. It was like the forest went on forever. I stared up at the sun roof, which was closed to see a shadow fly over it. 

   It's just a bird, i thought shaking the feeling away. I mean, the shadow did look big but what else could it be. Until I saw it again only to see something crimson red liquid hit the glass.  'B-blood..?' I quickly looked away and silently stared at the road. "You okay, Elise" My father asked. "Y-Yeah" I stuttered. There's no way that happened, i looked back up and the splatter of blood was still there. 'What's going on?!' 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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