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Christine woke up with a jolt, startled by the cold empty air beside her on the swan-shaped bed. Alone and confused, she found herself in a dark room that smelled of parchment and dampness.

The walls of the room were made of stone, drops of water echoing throughout the space.

Draping her legs over the bed, she realised that she was partly undressed and the only covers she had were her undergarments and a blanket.

Meanwhile, her dress was in a messy pile by a desk full of parchment and music sheets.

Quickly, she put on the dress. Not bothering with the buttons and laces, she left her back bare to the cold air.

Walking outside, Christine found herself in a large, cavern-like chamber whose floor was partly made out of an underground lake. On the dry side sat a number of candelabras, old stage props, and an organ. Sheets of music were scattered all over it, old and yellowed - except for one paper that looked fresh with ink that just dried mere minutes ago. It was a note.

Christine picked it up and read it:

My dearest Angel,

My love for you is deeper than the deepest abyss and bigger than the mountains. But I shall not force you to stay with me. You deserve someone better than me. You deserve Raoul.
We may not be able to see each other again, but I pray Raoul will care for you.

Your Phantom, your Angel of Music

At the sight of the words, a sense of regret and longing filled her. She cupped her face with her hands as tears started to flow.

"Oh, Erik!" Christine sobbed. "I love you! Why must you leave me?"

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