Paopu Fruit (Semi-Kingdom Hearts III Spoilers!)

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(A/N: Kinda Kingdom Hearts 3 AU where Sora shares the Paopu Fruit with Riku instead of Kairi. (Because we all HATED that-) Anyway, enjoy!)

Sora and Kairi were sitting on the Paopu Tree when Sora just happened to look over at Riku. "Hey, why is Riku all alone?"

"Is he lonely?"

"He said he needed time to himself. Let's let him be."

Sora wasn't convinced. He jumped off the Paopu Tree and went over to Riku with something behind his back. "Hey Riku!"

Kairi frowned a little when she saw what it was and looks at the sunset. "I guess he did like someone else, but he didn't want to hurt my feelings by telling me."

Riku looks over at Sora as the brunette sits down next to him. "What's he doing here?"

"Shouldn't you be with Kairi?" He noticed she seemed a bit sad sitting over there by herself.

"You seemed lonely, so I decided to join you!" Sora smiles at him. He wanted to cheer Riku up.

"Lonely?" I wasn't lonely Sora. I was just...Thinking."

"About what?"

"About..." "I can't tell him. Not with what's going on right now. He'll just be distracted."

"You can tell me anything, Riku! That's what friends are for, right?"

"I guess so..."

"Then what is it?"

"I like you." Opps. He didn't mean to tell him that yet.

"..." Sora just stared at him.

Riku was mentally kicking himself for saying it out loud. Then...

"Here!" Sora gave him a Paopu Fruit.

"Huh?" Riku looked at it then back at Sora. "I thought you and Kairi were going to share one."

"Nope! I was saving it for you!"

"So I guess you like me too, then."


Then they each took a bite out of the Paopu Fruit.

"There! Better now?"

"Yeah. Thanks Sora." "I guess I was a bit lonely."

"Now let's go cheer Kairi up!" Sora ran off to the Paopu Tree.

Riku followed behind him. "I wonder what else will be in store for us?"

(A/N: WOW! A SoRiku one shot without a kiss in it? HOLY CRAP-


I feel proud of this one, too.

Also check out @SmartZeld's SoRiku Book If you have the time.

See you guys later!)

Written on: Sep 22, 2019

Paopu Fruit (Semi-Kingdom Hearts III Spoilers!) (SoRiku one shot)Where stories live. Discover now