Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Warning before you read this story: This story will be very graphic and will include sentitive subjects such as strong language, violence, use of drugs, and sexual themes. You have been warned.

Besides that, I hope you enjoy this story.


Courtney shivered as a chill ran up her spine. Scott didn't seem to notice as he brushed the tree branches out of his face. They continued walking until he came to a stop and spoke. "Let's set up camp here." He said.

Courtney nodded and watched as he tried setting up a fire. He cursed under his breath and spoke. "All the wood is wet." He grumbled.

Scott looked up at her and stood up, he spoke. "Make yourself useful and find something to make a fire with." He said.

Courtney shook her head, too cold to even try to protest. She looked through her bag and pulled out her lighter and a match. She threw it into the fire and watched it burn.

"This rain will turn into sleet, then ice, then snow." Scott sat down beside her and put his head into his hands.

"We can't be here for long. We need to keep moving." Scott said, Courtney shook her head and moved closer to him.

"That's all we ever do is move. We never can stay somewhere."

Scott gave her a look, not a pleasant one. "Are you complaining? I bust my ass so you have food, and make sure you're safe and you complain?"

Courtney looked down and saw him clenching his fist, his knuckles turning white. She gulped. "I'm not complaining! I'm just saying, all we ever do is move." She said, timidly.

Scott let out a sigh. "We can't stay in one place forever. Wait till we get up to the mountains."

"Why do you want to go to the mountains?" Courtney asked.

"It's cold up there. The walkers will freeze. Making it easier for us."

Courtney nodded and felt her stomach growl. Scott noticed this and stood up, he spoke. "I'm gonna go look for food. Stay here."

Courtney nodded and watched as he left. She pulled her sweater closer to her. She flinched when she heard yelling. She looked up and saw Scott surrounded by a group of men.

"Where's the rest of your group!" One of the men said, pointing a gun in Scott's face. Scott put his hands up and spoke. "I'm not with anyone!" Scott said, defensively.

This angered the man and he pushed Scott onto the ground. The man shoved the gun in Scott's face. "Bullshit. You can't be out here alone."

One of the men kicked Scott in his side, knocking the air out of him. "You're not alone. Tell us  where your group is and you wont get hurt." he threatened.

Courtney looked around and spotted a rock. She picked it up and threw it at one of the men. "Run Scott!" she yelled.

Scott kicked one of the men in the stomach, sending the man back onto the ground. Scott ran in Courtney's direction and grabbed her arm, yanking her forward. he yelled. "go! I'll catch up with you!" Courtney looked back and saw one of the men chasing her.

"GET BACK HERE!" Courtney ran faster and hid behind a tree. she heard heavy footsteps and the man yelled. "Come on girl i'm not fucking around." the man looked around him, looking for her.

Courtney took this opportunity and made a run for it. Unfortunately for her the man chased after her. She kept running and heard the man call out for her once more. "Get the fuck over here!" He gritted his teeth.

She ran around around a tree and ran into walkers she pushed one in the mans direction but he avoided it. Her legs were tiring out, she felt herself slow down. That's when she felt arms wrap around her in a bone-crushing grip.

"Leave me alone!" Courtney tried squirming out of the mans grip. This only angered him more. "Quit squirming!"

Courtney bit the mans hand. He groaned and yelled. "Aaaah! Ow, let go you little bitch, Jesus Christ!" Courtney only bit down harder, hearing bones crush. The man groaned and let her go. She immediately began running.

She found a log and tried crawling through it but the man came up behind her and grabbed her leg. "Get out of there you little shit!" The man tugged at her leg, Courtney kicked his hand causing his grip to loosen on her. But he pulled her out of the log and began pulling her toward the trees.

Courtney kept kicking, not listening to the mans protests. "YOU, are on my last fucking nerve. Just give up!"  He pulled her onto the ground and got on top of her. She was about to punch him but he grabbed both of her arms. Courtney looked to her side and saw a walker trying to reach the man.

An idea popped into her head and she began to pull the man in the walkers directions. The walker grabbed the mans arm. He let go of Courtney and she ran. As she ran she could hear his screams and the walkers tearing into his flesh. (Told you it would be graphic)

She looked back and saw the walkers on top of him. She winced and looked away as she heard another one of his pained screams. She began running, she wasn't paying much attention to where she was going. She tripped and fell into a river.

She screamed beneath the water and swan up. She gasped for air and looked around. The water was moving her faster than she thought it was. She felt her eyes close and she drifted off. The water continued to carry her to her fate.


So, did you guys like the first chapter? did I do good? Cause this is really my first time writing like an action story so... But anyways tell me how I did.

Also I will try and update every Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturday's. If I can't update on those days I apologize.

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