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After the war, many kids returned back to Hogwarts to re-do their seventh year.

One of them was Draco Malfoy. He had made it clear to his parents that he doesn't want to be their son anymore becausw of all the lies the had sold him.

So he packed all his belongings and left.

He wanted to find real friends. But he knew it would be very hard.

He apologised to Harry, Ron and Hermione and surely enoungh they became friends, including Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and a bunch of Gryffindors.

He was invited to The Burrow for Christmas and Easter holidays, but he always declinded.

But them it was time for summer holdidays.

"I'm telling you, mate, mum doesn't have a problem." Ron kept ressuring him. "If she had I wouldn't be telling you to come."

"I know and I really appreciate it," Draco said sadly "but I can't come in like nothing happened."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked and Hermione eyed him like she meant 'shut your mouth!'

Draco looked at him like he was stupid but sighed and said "I was a Deatheater! I am one of the reasons you brother is . . . gone." He looked at Ron.

"I'm not coming, end of discussion!"

Hermione Ron and Harry tried to convince Draco to stay at the Burrow but with no result.

"Okay where are you going to stay then?" Hermione exploded the day before summer break and their kast day at Hogwarts.

"I - Uh" Draco stuttered. He hadn't really thought where he would stay at all. "I'll find a place. I-I can go to uh An - no."

"That's it! You're coming with us!"

"Granger, I told you no!" Draco protested but Hermione shushed him by grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the Great Hall.

"Go pack your thinks and we're leaving tomorrow for the Burrow without buts and no's!" She exclaimed when Draco was about to protest.

He closed his mouth and walked to the Slytherin Common room.

"Hermione I think you shouldn't be that harsh to him." Ron whispered as they walked to the Gryffindor Common Room

"Yes he seems to regret a lot of things he had done and I've seen him many times crying." Harry continued.

"Alright, I will apologise. Goodnight."


The next day, the Golden Trio woke up very very early and went to the Great Hall for breakfast

More and more students came in and ate their breakfast. When Hermione saw Draco, she raised her hand and swang it so he came to her.

"Good morning." They all said at the same time.

"Is there something wrong?" Draco asked suspiciously.

"No we just wanted to have breakfast all together." Harry said and Ron gestured Malfoy to sit between him and Ginny.

"So I heard you will join us home?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah. I didn't want at first because -"

"It's fine and I understand." Ginny cut him off. "You don't have to feel like this. Everything will be fine."

They all ate breakfast and they arranged to meet on the train.

"Hey Draco! Here!" Hermione yelled as he entered the train.

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