Chapter 1

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Cry POV:

I woke up to a dinging on my computer. "What could it be this time?" I think to myself.

New Message

From: Pewdiepie

Subject: game???

Hey bro! I was wondering if you wanna get on skype and play Amnesia with me. I'm sorry if I woke you up bro!

Love your bro, Poooooooodiepie :3

Sent 12:50 AM

I laughed and clicked reply.

Re: game???

Yeah sure bro. And you should be gaahhhhh it's like early you ass. Kidding and wouldn't your girlyfriend be mad? I'm on skype now btw I'll call you!!!!!

Your sup bro...

I hit sent and clicked out of it and clicked on Skype to see Felix on. I hit call and he answer on the first ring. "CRRRRRRRY BRO IM BORED PLAY WITH ME!" I laughed loudly. "Bro I don't swing that way but I will play games with you!"

He laughed and I blushed. Oh how I just so lied. I turn on my camera after putting my mask on nobody, and I really mean nobody but my family, has seen my face.

When he turned his on I noticed something different about him. His normal gorgeous blue eye color was a deep blackish red, his hair was longer, and his face....oh my.

"Ryan? CRY! Geez bro get a grip." He laughed.

"S-sorry I-I uhhhh, you look different." I mentally facepalmed. Different...I said he looks different. That's the same as hey you're fucking cute.

"Yeah I know bro. I'm growing my hair out, anyway Amnesia? Or is your sleep deprived brain sending weird waves to your body and you can't play?"

I was about to answer before I heard a faint "Felix!".

"Hold on bro." He got up and walked away from the computer.

"Yes Marzia?" He paused somewhere in his house.

"Felix, listen.." She paused as Felix interrupted her.

"Who's this guy? Why is he here? What's going on??" He asked one question after another, sounding broken with each question.

"This Felix is Bryian. I'm sorry to do this to you Felix but I'm leaving you. All you do is play on your computer and talk to Ryan, Ken, or Minxx. You never realize that I'm sick or sneaking around." Her voice broke on the last word and you could here Felix in the back crying softly.

"How could you Marzia? We've known each other forever and you're doing this to me? As for 'not noticing' that's bull because I take care of YOU yet YOU never take care of ME, and the sneaking around, no I didn't notice because I trusted you. Key word TRUSTED. Get out I'm done with you. Have a nice life with Bryian!" He stormed back to his computer. Marzia was crying loudly while a faint hushing sound came from wherever she was.

"Ryan bro I have to go man." As he looked up and you could see the tears going down his face.

"No, Felix listen. I have a surprise for you and this might not be a great time but, I have tickets for you to come down to the States! You can come here to Florida and forget about your problems for a bit and if you like it here you can stay. Of course you're going to have to pack for a week or two first." I smiled and looked down at my thumbs after seeing that he was confused.

"You're going to come here and stay with me friend!"

He chuckled and I looked up, this time it was my turn to be confused. "Okay bro. Well I gotta go then so I can pack. See you later."

We both laughed and signed off. Oh My God, my best friend who just so happens to be my crush is coming to live with me. I sent him the tickets over email and just waited. In however many hours it takes. I can't wait!

I walked to my bed and looked at my alarm clock. 2:40 AM. I laid down and crashed.

Fangs and games: A Halloween PewdieCry fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang