Chapter 1

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Trigger warning! This chapter contains some strong language and mentions of violence

John's POV

John sat in the corner of the hallway, listening to Fall out boy with his earphones. Everyone walked past him and pretend to not see him. John thought he was invisible, but the fact was that everyone knew him, and either didn't care about him or picked on him. Well, apart from his three only friends.
Alexander, John's friend since childhood, was 'the nerd' of the group. He had had a crush on John, but unfortunately John didn't like him back. Mostly because of the fear of Lee hearing about it.
Hercules was the most 'popular' one of the group. Every girl liked him and he was really good looking. He was interested in fashion and design and was likely to get a career out of it. Good for him.
And Lafayette (goes by Gilbert and Laf too) is a victim of bullying like John. His family immigrated from France to USA because they wanted 'the ideal American school experience'. People bully him because he's an immigrant.
John was glad he had someone on his side. He smiled a little. He loved all of his friends.
He felt someone sit next to him. He turned to see who it was. "Oh hi Gilbert!"
Lafayette nodded. "Guess who I ran into?"
"Tsk, I wish. No, George Frederick." He uncovered his left eye. "He fucking punched me." His eye was black and swollen a bit.
"Oh should go to the nurse!" John looked at it a bit closer. "That must have hurt." Lafayette nodded again. "It did. But I punched him back. Learns to not mess with the wrong people." "Yep." John put away his earphones. "But really- go see the nurse." "Is it that bad?" Lafayette pulled out his phone and looked at it with his front camera.
Before John said anything, they heard a too familiar voice. "Well well well, did our little f****t get someone to fuck in the ass?" Lee smirked at them. "Must feel so great." He and Samuel surrounded John and Lafayette. "So you punched George, huh?" He kicked Lafayette's leg as Samuel pulled John on his feet and kept him from Lafayette.
Lafayette growled and stood up. "Yes I did. Because he deserved it." He grabbed the collar of Lee's shirt. "Do you want to know how it felt?" Lee shook his head as he struggled to keep his balance.
A teacher quickly came between them and Samuel let John go. "What is going on in here?" She asked. Lee faked being hurt. "Gilbert hit me.." John put his hand in a fist. "That's not true! His friend punched Gilbert and he was defending himself and now Charles comes to us calming Gilbert punched his friend-" "Mr Laurens, were you there?" The teacher asked. John's eyes widened. " I wasn't, miss.." "So how do you know Mr Lafayette is making this up?" "Look at his black eye! If that ain't good proof, I don't know what is." The teacher glanced at Lafayette. "Well it does look really you know where Mr Frederick went?" "He went to the nurse, miss." Samuel said. The teacher nodded. "I need to hear his side of this too. But you four, are going in class now. Except you, Mr Lafayette. I'll be taking you to the nurse." Lafayette nodded. "See ya, John."
John smiled weakly and walked in his class, keeping his head low. His seat was next to Alexander. Alex smiled at him. "Heya."
John took out his books. "Hey.."
Alexander tilted his head. "Are you ok? You seem quiet."
John sighed. "A teacher almost didn't believe that George punched Gilbert..and Lee came to fuck with us.."
"Did George punch Laf hardly?"
"Yeah, he has a black eye now.."
"Oh he ok?"
"Yeah, the teacher took him to the nurse. So what have you done while I wasn't here?"
Alexander showed John his notes and John copied them.
The rest of the day went pretty quietly and John stayed out until 12 am. He quietly came home and went in his room and threw his clothes on the floor of his room and put on a grey top and black boxers. He flopped on his bed and looked at the scars on his arms. He hasn't been cutting for a week now. His family knew nothing about the cutting. His family would be really disappointed in him if they knew about the cutting and all the other stuff. John was supposed to be a perfect Cristian child, but he was completely opposite of that.
He heard his mom outside his bedroom door. He quickly hid his arms before she came in.
"John? Why were you out this late?" She asked in a soft tone. John shrugged. "My friends were out too." She sat on his bed. "Where were you? You smell like cigarettes." "We were downtown..and I swear I didn't smoke, I swear!" His scars itched under the covers. He scratched a little, but accidentally made them bleed a bit. *Shit-* His mom looked consured. "Are you alright?" John nodded, trying to stop the bleeding. "Yes mom." "Can I see your arms?" She asked. John shook his head. "N-no." "Why not? Are you hiding something?"
John shook his head again. "No. Why would I?" His mom shrugged with one shoulder. "I don't know. Well, I need to go now, Mary woke up. Sleep well, sweetheart." She kissed John's forehead and left the room, closing the door behind her.
John curled up in the covers, shivering. "Tomorrow I'll see Laf again, and it'll all be ok.."

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