The meeting of two exiles.

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"They're gonna be your body guards for a while so get along now (y/n)." The grip on your shoulder is so tight it's making you grit your teeth in an attempt of stopping yourself from wincing. You shouldn't have eaten your guards from before.

'They were expensive.' as your father had wisely quoted once.

They did taste kinda good though.

You look over the tall burly grouching man and soft faced ninja that's almost the same as your height. It's almost comical how they look so different from one another. But you've seen weirder people so you dont laugh.

"Yes father." You say. The grip on your shoulder isnt as tight anymore unlike earlier and he pets your head with his other hand a few times before he fully releases you from his hold. A warning. He doesnt want to use too much money on you. He thinks he's spoiling you too much.

"Good, I'm gonna be busy for a while so behave." The smile doesnt quite reach his eyes when he says that. But when has it actually reached his eyes? You've imagined it a few times in curiosity but the only thing coming to your mind is a disfigured version of his tight-lipped smile.

You dont think you have that great of an imagination.

Your eyes dont move from the two figures in front of you when you nod at him. The burly one has his hands in his pockets, mimicking a completely relaxed posture. The other one though, you're not too sure. His shoulders are tense but his smile seems genuine.

Is he nervous? Excited? You're not bored enough to actually want to know so the thought's discarded from your small head as fast as it came, just like that. Like all the poor little random thoughts that normally popped up.

Your father leaves the three of you in the huge dim-lit room with a short goodbye. You think it'll be long before he's gonna come back since he was more moody than usual.

He comes back faster when you kill them though so you do that. Most of the time at least.

He's called you a little shit for that.

You heard the people he hired talking in hushed tones while they were working a while back. About the reason why father hasn't abandoned you yet. They said it was because you were the only 'queen' he's managed to make.

You never really did understand what they meant back then.

You never heard of them the next day.

Dripping water echoes in the room uninterrupted as you fix them with a hard stare, waiting for them to do the first move.

The young boy's hand twitches miniscully by his side in what you assume was him holding down the urge to fidget from your intimidating stare.

You think of yourself as a very intimidating person like your father. (He's actually surpessing the urge to squeeze your cheeks.)

The silence is broken by the smiling boy unsurprisingly, "My name is Yuki Haku. You can call me Haku," he points to the sulking guy beside him. "The guy over there is Zabuza and you can call him just that." He smiles politely at you. He doesnt crouch down condescendingly at you so you mentally add points to his tally.

You dont know about the other guy.

You nod mutely. You know them from the bingo books of course. You see the Zabuza guy a lot unlike the Haku one. But when you do, it's usually the page next to Zabuza.

"So, what do you usually do." He asks and the one next to him looks at him like he just stole his food. You think about what you usually do when you get new body guards and the only thing coming up is staring at them until they snap or doing what they do. So you shrug.

"Oh," there's a thing of disappointment when he says that but he continues on. "Well, do you read?" At that you nod, almost excited to see if he brought an interesting picture book.

He reaches for the pouch in his back and brings out a small thick book. It looks a bit worn out with the side of each thick carton page having at least a scratch or part of it sticking out but you dont mind.

Light blue peeks out in one of the pages and your excitement surges. Though you think you're not showing it.

Zabuza on the other hand has a tinge of apprehension in his eyes when he looks at Haku taking out the picture book that he took the greatest care of even though it was probably older than he was. He's honestly surprised he still has it.

You lean in to see more of the color but he stops you short.

"Hey, no spoilers." His hand is in front of your face and you huff haughtily in frustration. His expression turns into an amused one when you willingly back down with a pout. "Why dont we go to another room that has a brighter light?" You hesitantly nod at him.

A Ghoul in Naruto (rewrite)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz