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Piper's POV

Three days after the Giant War. Should I be happy? Yes. In fact, I should be overjoyed. But something has been missing for the past three days.

Maybe it's the feeling of always having some danger lurking around, waiting to capture you. Perhaps it's the fact that we have no deadline. Possibly.

But no. It's the fact that Leo Valdez had died defeating the earth mother. Leo Valdez had held a certain spot in all our hearts that can't possibly be filled by another person.

Silently I wept, burying my face in my pillow to smother my sobs.

He had been like a brother to me. Out of all people, why him?

Jason's POV

Leo Valdez.

If he were here I would kill him. Kill him for getting himself killed. Kill him for leaving us.

Why did he have to go?

We never found his body, yet it's hard to assume your best friend is still alive when you were shot out of the sky when standing right next to him.

For now, the most I can do is think. Think about how it should've been me.

Frank's POV

Gods. I knew I should've objected when he told us his plan. Now there's nothing there.

No one to fill the place in everyone's empty hearts.

Maybe we hadn't been the closest of friends, but I still can't believe I let him go on with his plan.

He was, no, is a hero. Everyone knew it too.

Hazel's POV

Yet another loved one, lost, to Gaea.

Why did he have to go? He was like a brother from another mother.

Something about his death wasn't right though. Usually sensing deaths is Nico's job but I just feel it. It was different.

Leo Valdez. The most treasured one of the seven. We didn't treat him right.

And now we can't even say we're sorry.

Percy's POV

I blame myself.

Yes, I had nothing to do with his plan, but if I had just been there at the right time, I could've saved him. Given my life for his.

We weren't that close, but he was still one of us, my friend. My family.

I just can't bare to think about it. "It's not your fault," they say. But it is. It's entirely my fault. I just didn't leap far enough.

Annabeth's POV

We were the farthest apart out of the rest. We barley even talked. Yet I'm still mourning for that little Latino boy known as Leo Valdez.

That famous smile plastered across his face even at the most dangerous times will be missed greatly.

We never found him. That's the only string of hope we are all clinging to now.

Just the fact that he may still be out there.

Nico's POV

Sure, we didn't really get along. Maybe we despised each other as well.

But I'm still one of those many people who are empty inside.

Something about it was different though. I didn't sense a real death. I felt that pang in my gut but then shortly after I had a feeling like a 200 pound weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

He's still out there. I know he is. I'm just waiting for the right time to tell the others.

Third Person

Everyone was not taking this disappearance lightly.

Leo Valdez was known for his perseverance. He had to be out there. Maybe he just needed a little push.

At campfire, the flames burned black, giving off a cool breeze instead of a comforting heat.


Just another thing that reminded them of Leo Valdez.

The boy who did what was right.

The boy who never stopped smiling.

The boy who saved many lives for his own.

The seven would simply not accept the fact that he was dead.

They had to get him back. There was no choice. They ab-sou-lut-ly had to.

Campfire had ended.

Everyone had gone back to their cabins, thinking about how to get him back.

Thinking about where to find the lost hero, the lost demigod.

Leo Valdez.

(A/N: THE FEELS. I personally did not like the ending of BoO. I mean, sure he got back together with Calypso but like, just the fact that he was separated from the rest of the seven makes me want to sob into my pillow.

Anyway, for those of you who don't know how I end off my chapters, I like to give a 'Who am I?' question.

So, here is your question for today:

I am Katie's boyfriend's father's father's eldest brother's roman counterpart's daughter's boyfriend's mother. Who am I?

Long one. I know. Once again there is no prize, just solely for your enjoyment. I do have another fanfiction out, so if you would take a look, it would make me very happy. Thanks! Have a nice day.

~Elizabeth, Daughter of Athena

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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