Introduction to the chaos.

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Butterflies. So small,so fragile, so tiny. Now you may be wondering why butterflies are important in this story. Or maybe your not. Either way the answer will be revealed eventually.

Butterflies are so calm, so carefree, their delicate wings fluttering through the wind. Full of grace, full of beauty as they dance in the suns glow, soaring between every emerald blade of grass. But.

The sun always casts shadows, creatures hide in these shadows, creatures so vile, so corrupt they are condemned to the darkness forever. Monsters. That's what they were called when you were a child. Maybe you still are a child. If so maybe don't read on. If not, go on. Keep reading. Monsters. Lurking under your bed, with piercing yellow eyes, impossibly sharp teeth that could tear your flesh apart.

The monsters that made you quiver under your blankets, your heart pounding as you begged them to leave you alone. The monsters that have razor sharp claws the length of rulers. So terrifying, so violent, so evil they made your very blood run cold as you screamed a blood curdling scream. You cowered from the shadows they lurked in. At their mercy. Trembling with fear as you felt tears roll down your cheeks.

These are the monsters you know, horns, fur, teeth, claws, so big they tower over you.

Now I know butterflies are all ready on this earth, in fact your probably overlooking them right now, barely noticing their existence. No big deal they are just butterflies, right? But monsters are hidden all around you. Not the ones you know and fear. In fact if I pointed one out to you, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and the average person.

This is because monsters are humans. Not all of them, but enough.

They look innocent, inviting even, no horns or fangs but inside they are hideous. So tyrannical you cringe in their presence. Ice cold blood pumping through their black stone heart. They are everywhere. They are the person at the back of the bus. Glancing up with an eerie grin that makes a shiver run down your spine.

They are the ones behind bars for crimes I couldn't possibly write, so unnerving, so indescribably shocking you wouldn't believe my words. Scared? You should be. Maybe not yet, this is just a book. That's what your thinking, as you gulp and feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge. That's what your feeling, doubt - doubt that your safe. Monsters are everywhere. Avoid them. Just go on and try.

You can't.

They are so incredibly difficult to detect in public. You may glance up from this page. Look at people, scan and study them for any tiny, miniscule hint of body language that proves them evil.

You can't tell can you?

You see these entities are crafty, sly, tricky, slimy even. They know you. Indeed. They can feel your fear filled eyes wash over them to fix your gaze on somebody else. You didn't suspect them.

This story is all about monsters. Monsters that plague the earth. Ones you fear and wish with every bone you have that you won't ever meet. Shame, you probably already have - the people in this story met met monsters too.

Touched them, felt their presence engulf them, talked to them. Even trusted them. Then felt the wrath of these creatures as they did as children, you were always told: they didn't exist, weren't real, that you were.... Safe? Even. So were these characters. Parents protected your mind by denying their existence, you believed them. Still do.

My job is to make you question everything you know, believe, trust. I hope I already am. Again I ask, scared? I know fear is slowly creeping into you. Let it in.

Now, what can motivate these monsters, you want to avoid it, don't you? They feed off of fear. Your in trouble then aren't you? What do they want? You may find yourself asking.

Anything: money, fame, fortune, or worst of all.. you. They don't care how you feel. Wether they should think before they act. If its rational. They will make you screech with fright either way. Motivated by greed, anger, hate, and broken trust. They won't stop.

If this is scaring you too much - (I hope it is) put this book down, go outside and watch the butterflies and  their simple beauty.

If not - keep reading, you may change your mind, reader and throughout this book remember one thing.

Butterflies are beautiful,
But they can mask the truth,
Hide the evil in the world.
Just because they are hidden,
Doesn't mean the monsters aren't  there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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