Chapter One - The Black Bullet

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Katashi wandered like a lost soul through the black markets. The stalls were placed in neat street like fashions, framing the rows of people moving like traffic on a highway. He seemed particularly fascinated with the exotic animals stall. Well what they had gotten off of exotic animals. His fingers ghosted the pelt of a silver-back dragon, last seen several years back as a pure bred species. The scales still retained warmth of the heat the great beast sustained though the body was long gone. Kazuhiko groaned from behind him.

"Tashi," He dragged out the last syllable, "Do we have to be here? You said we would go somewhere I wanted this time." Kazuhiko frowned. Aiming his boredom at the ground, his gaze fell to his feet. His crown slid off his head slightly, falling over his left eye. Katashi reached out slowly, gently pushing the crown back to its original place. As he pulled his hands back to Kazuhiko's face, his fingernails- the lightless office chair black- skidded the surface of the leather eyepatch on the Prince's left eye. Kazuhiko flinched backwards and grabbed Katashi's hand.

"Sorry." He muttered, trying his best to feign a smile. Digging into his bag Katashi pulled out some assorted candies, placing it in Kazuhiko's palm. "There Prince. Have those. Tomorrow, we can go where you want." Katashi averted his gaze towards another stall. He adjusted his cape, feeling awfully awkward. Kazuhiko on the other hand, seemed please and quickly sorted through the candies to find lemon sherbets.

"Thanks!" He mumbled, shoving the candies into his mouth. He interlocked elbows with Katashi and became placid. Katashi kept his other hand next to the knife holster on his thigh- this was Cia, the most criminal ridden place on the island- ready for any signs of danger. His fairly grey eyes latched onto a slim figure of a human. He was clad heavily in amour- definitely from the area- heading into a well-kept store graciously named The Black Bullet. His gaze was lazy and his posture even less energetic- no harm could come from him, he looked like he was barely interested in what he was doing. A sturdy, copper mechanoid from Miaka seemed to run the shop. The walls of the shop were lined with dangerous weapons. Katashi recognised at least four different handguns, the rest were too illegal for him to have ever seen. A mechanoid from Miaka, selling weapons in Cia. Was he allowed to do this? Did Shima and Tsukoyo know about this? With haste he signalled for Kazuhiko to wait outside before he entered the building. For an illegal shop it was pretty well kept. The shelves didn't have the regular coat of grim that most places- even if they were visited regularly- had. The weapons were neatly arranged, in size, model and even the specifics. In a sudden motion, Katashi shifted his guards cape over his left shoulder, covering the Royal crest. He felt very out of place and threatened, but none the less, he tried on a confident façade.

"Hello, there. I'm Z the owner of this shop. How can I help you?" The mechanoid smiled. He seemed friendly- almost too friendly to be running an illegal business. But then again never judge a book by its cover. Katashi moved up and down the shelves- not looking to buy- investigating as he would state in a later argument with Shima.

"I'm just looking around, what do you sell?" Katashi knew the obvious answer, it being illegal weapons- though this was his terrible attempt to blend in. He had obviously forgotten that everyone and anyone who entered the shop would know exactly what he sold- Katashi's not the brightest when it comes to his job. The human he had followed into the store cocked an eyebrow at him. A light exhale of air- a snicker- left the human's mouth. The other person waved a swift goodbye to the shop owner and left, casting one last wary glance towards Katashi.

"Weapons, weapon mods. Most of 'em you can't buy anywhere else. For a good reason..." He finally responded after sorting through items hidden beneath the counter. He placed his palms down on the wood counter-top of the cash-register bench, taking a glance around his shop.

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