Blooming Light

46 6 9

Flowers, gardens, pink and green, 

Floral tidbits, finally seen

Growing boldly, out of ground, 

Shooting up, without a sound.

Growing slowly, tall and true, 

Sweet spring morning, drops of dew.

Climbing slowly, towards the sky, 

Days creep softly, weeks pass bye.

Tiny leaves of green unfurl, 

Soft new buds, the flower’s pearl.

Slowly blooming, spreading wide, 

Vibrant color, full of pride.

Flowers basking, gorgeous sun, 

Children laughing as they run.

Cold brown dirt now bright with cheer, 

Evil leaving, no more fear.

Happy is this little place, full of life so bright, 

Happy are the people here, sweet flowers blooming light.


 Hey y'all! :) that I got it on center...I can't take it off!! O.O Oh well...I just hope it doesn't change when I publish this... Actually, I kind of like this format... :) So, down to business... I must ask (supposedly I ask this EVERY time) Was it any good? (it being the poem :)) I kind of like this one... but then again, that's just me! 

Thanks for reading!

<3 Lilly 

Haha, it didn't upload in "center" so now y'all can just wonder what I was talking about XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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