Honey Butter

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This fic contains NSFW scenes

Crowley and Aziraphale were sitting in the bookshop, drinking alcohol and talking about many things. And while they were doing this, Aziraphale was quite intent to snack. Snacking on fruit, sweets, and many other delectable items. Currently, he was snacking on a chocolate mousse.

"Mm, Crowley dear, you must try this! it is absolutely scrumptious!" Aziraphale exclaimed, a look of absolute delight on his face.

Crowley took a sip from his glass before replying. "No thanks, Angel. I'm not much for sweets."

"Crowley, i must insist! I'm sure even you would like it!" Aziraphale insists, holding out the small bowl of mousse and a spoon.

Crowley, as drunk as he is, automatically replies with what comes to his mind first. "I'd only eat it, Angel, if i could eat it off of you."

Crowley doesn't seem to register that he said that out loud as Aziraphale's face goes bright red.

"O-oh, dear...." Aziraphale mumbles. While he and Crowley had been together for a few months at this point, they had yet to discuss anything quite so... sensual.

Crowley's brain seems to finally catch up to him in the few seconds of silence that follow. His face bright red as he looks up and away from Aziraphale's searching eyes. "uh-ah-erm-ngk." he's quiet for a moment longer. "I didn't mean that." He says finally. Like lying and saying it was just a joke would work on Aziraphale.

"Dear..." he says slowly. "I can tell you meant it..."

Crowley doesn't look at Aziraphale, too embarrassed. "Okay, maybe I did, what about it?" He mumbles.

Aziraphale blushes, suddenly even more embarrassed now that Crowley admits to it. "W-well... It is about time we discussed this stuff..." Aziraphale says softly.

Crowley continues to look away from Aziraphale, glad for his glasses that hid his eyes from Aziraphale's gaze. "Right." he mumbles.

Aziraphale clears his throat and sits up straight. "Perhaps we should be sober for this?" he suggests, already miracling himself sober.

Crowley followed suit, though he didn't particularly want to be sober for this conversation. He somehow felt even more anxiety well inside him as he sat there across from Aziraphale. "Look, angel, we really don't have to talk about this. it probably makes you uncomfortable and all.."

Aziraphale shook his head. "Nonsense, we really should've had this conversation earlier... but i will admit, i was a tad nervous to talk about this... Which is why i won't allow myself to continue to put this conversation off anymore."

Well, that settles that, Crowley supposes. No way of getting out of this conversation, unless he were to fake a heart attack. Though even that probably wouldn't... He sighs. "Alright then, Angel, should i be blunt about it then?"

Aziraphale nodded. "That would help this conversation along, actually, so please do go ahead dear."

Crowley intakes a breath, breathing it out slowly. He finally looks over at Aziraphale, removing his glasses so his eyes could be seen and convey his emotions. "I want to have sex with you, Angel." he stated, bluntly.

"O-oh..." Aziraphale blushed at the bluntness, but continued on. "well, yes, i had assumed that dear. What about what you said earlier? about wanting to, well, you know."

Crowley nods, embarrassed not only for himself but for Aziraphale as well. "Yeah, i want to do that too..." he mumbles quietly.

Aziraphale raises a brow. "what was that, dear? I couldn't hear you all that well."

Honey ButterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ