Im sorry not sorry

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It was the summer of 2020, it was when David finally came to the uk to see his friends. But this story isn't about him. This story is about a couple about to fall in love. Their names are Sophie and Asher.

Lets start with our boy. Asher began to take the train to London so he can be at the meeting point but to his surprise he ran into our young lady, Sophie. He saw and called out to her. In surprise she looks up and smiles

"Hey Ash!" She said with a sweet smile

"Hey soph" he said in a gentle voice

They decided to walk together to the meeting point. Sophie decided to get a little closer to him while walking.

Asher noticed this and went with it. As they were walking she gradually got closer and closer. It was becoming painfully obvious. But Asher kept going with it, he seemed to be enjoying himsef.

They arrived at the meeting point a little early than the others. So they decided to order something at a restaurant. While they were waiting Asher decided to start small talk.

"Hey you know when they're gonna get here?"

She shakes her head "No, I can try to text them."

"No its fine. I like the alone time with you."

Sophie blushes at that remark.

"Ash I-" before she could get another word out the lads came in

"Yo yo" David had said

"Hey guys Ford followed up

All the lads from the famous internet chat arrived.

Everyone was having a good time and then soon everyone left.

"Hey Ash!" Sophie caught up with asher before he left

"Oh hey Soph"

"I was wondering.... Do you wanna share a room for tonight.... Theres something i wanna tell you...." She was blushing immensely. Asher decided to go with it and accepted. As it turns out Ford and David stayed at the same hotel as they were going. And they all rode back together.

As soon as Ford and David went in their rooms. Asher leaded Sophie into the room they purchased. Asher went to freshen up in the bathroom. While Sophie was preparing herself to confess to him. After he came out the bathroom, Sophie immediately stood up and opened her mouth "Ash I need t-" before she could get another word out, Asher grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a deep kiss. They kept going until she pulled away. "How did you know..."

He simply responded with: "I just did". She hugged him and they shared another kiss

yeah im done for rn chapter 2 soon

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