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I stared at all of the school work cluttering my desk and I wondered to myself: if today was my very last day on earth, would I be satisfied with the life I've lived?

I couldn't bring myself to answer. Would I be ungrateful if I didn't appreciate the life I was given? Would I be disrespecting the people who have had it worse than me? I quickly shook the question from my head in order to stop myself from answering; but I had a feeling that the answer was no.


I slowly stretched my arms as I made my way to history class. I tried to look as alert as possible so that people wouldn't notice that I was running on 0 energy.

"Ah, Y/N, can I talk to you for a moment?"

I immediately knew that it was Mr. So. I sighed lightly to myself before putting on a fake smile and faced Mr. So. "Of course, teacher."

Mr. So scratched the back of his neck, a habit of his whenever he would ask for a favor. "You see, Mrs. Choi asked me to make some copies of my past worksheets for her." That literally has nothing to do with me. "However, she needs them sometime next period. Sadly, I am extremely busy and therefore cannot fulfill her request..."

He trails off and I already know where this is heading. It's funny how he acts like he's hesitant to ask for my help as if he's never done it before. He clearly wants me to offer my him my own time without him even saying anything so that he doesn't have to feel guilty for asking. I sometimes wonder what he would do if I stared blankly at him and pretended that I didn't know where these conversations were heading.

However, I can't do that.

I pretended to feel sorry for Mr. So. "Leave it to me! I'll print out the copies and hand them to teacher Choi for you!"

I've already built a reputation for myself as the kind and reliable honor student. Any wrong move and it would be over for me. My hard work would go down the drain and I'll never be able to achieve anything at this school.

Being fake is the only way that you can survive in the real world.

Mr. So sighed in relief but I could tell that he's anything but bothered by this situation. "Are you sure this isn't too much of a hassle for you?"

My eye almost twitched. If you knew that it would be a hassle why would you ask me instead of doing it by your damn self? Some adults are hopeless. "Of course not, teacher."

Mr. So smiled, finally revealing his true colors. "Ahh, good. I knew that I could depend on you. Also, you have lunch next period so it's not as if you're missing anything important anyway!"

I smiled again. "Yes." I suppose eating and supporting the growth of a growing teenager is no big deal. "Nothing important."

And like that, I've become entrusted with yet another burdensome task.

I tried my best not to look annoyed as I entered the classroom. Mr. So followed in directly after me.

"Alright, everybody. Settle down." Mr. So scattered some books on top of his desk until he found the correct textbook for our class.

He started reading an excerpt from the book until he was interrupted by a loud 'bang.'

Everyone's eyes were suddenly directed at the classroom door.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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